Thanks for the tips guys. I'll see if I can snap some picks and post them soon. I'm a newb to this so my knowledge is limited on the debugging with a probe. I'm slowly getting better and learning new things constantly. I've gotten 26 builds so far. I've had to debug quite a few of them, but 5 of them are still sitting in a drawer because it's something i believe is component related and not just a hidden short or wiring issue. I learn a good deal during the building process so I figured I'd get back around to those after I learn more about the circuits and what the components are actually "doing" to the audio signal, and not just "painting by number." I've been reading up on how to build an audio probe to start that endeavor. I'm just waiting until I complete the little headphone amp + oscillator test rig I saw (on this forum I believe), and then I'll start trying to debug those 5 problematic builds.