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Messages - BatmanSandwich

I finished building my honeydripper exactly to specifications, and I'm having trouble getting it to go. All plugged in and turned on, I'm getting no voltage across the 18v, 10v and 5v outs in the power supply. I used all the correct zener diodes and the LT1054 I used was brand new, so I really can't figure out where I'm going wrong.... Also, looking at the schematic, the 9.1v diode at D12 seems puzzling. What is it supposed to do? All I can see that doing is draining your battery super fast..

Thanks in advance  :D
Quote from: jkokura on May 21, 2012, 08:25:20 AM
Have you connected the jack, power and DC grounds while testing?

Yes, yes and yes

Don't think the wiring is an issue, I just wired the board directly to a couple of jacks and a 9v battery for testing purposes (the in and out connect to the tip of their respective jacks) I've tried several different ICs and still the same issues..
Thanks dude, managed to find a 4558 and swapped it out, but still having the same problem..
Tech Help - Projects Page / Honeydripper issues
May 15, 2012, 04:11:50 AM
I just finished constructing my honeydripper, and when I plug it all in all I hear is the clean, unaltered guitar tone, same as if I unplug the battery. Occasionally if I move it around a bit I can get a high pitched squeal, but aside from that, nothing :(

In my build I substituted the LM324's for TL074's and the 4558 for a NE5534N due to availability, aside from that it was exactly to spec. Would this be the cause of the issue? Can these parts be subbed?
