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Messages - RnR

Does anyone have a different file for the Kingslayer and Slow Loris drilling templates? I cannot get the files provided in the project page links to open in Photoshop.
I have used combinations of a Tele and a LP in an Egnater and a Fender.

I did notice that the pop would increase/decrease with higher volume and gain settings.

I am stumped. It sounds great but the pop sucks. I had a look on YouTube and there are several people with videos of boutique pedals popping including the Eternity - even with Lovepedal's 'silent' switch.

There has to be a way to get rid of that pop.
I changed both the input and output caps and it still pops.
Yes - I tried that and I am getting 0.01 on the output now - definitely leakage there.

I might have to try a pulldown resistor on C6 next unless anyone else has any other ideas - I would love to hear them.
I have two full builds - a Black and a Burst. This is why I am having a problem wrapping my head around the issue. I have a hard time believing both pedals have a faulty componet causing the problem. I even changed a switch in one of the pedals.
Thanks for that. Unfortunately it did not work for me.

Something else must be going on here as both builds do the exact same thing. I have quadruple checked my solder joints and there are no bridges.

Can anyone spot any issues with the DIY PCB layout or has anyone else made their own PCB successfully without any popping?
Tech Help - Projects Page / Neutrino - Popping Issue
April 21, 2012, 09:34:45 PM

I have built several effects and I have a decent working knowledge of DIY building. I recently etched my own PCB and made a Neutrino and while everything works fine no matter what I try I cannot get rid of the popping when switching the effect.

I have tried replacing the input cap, raising R1 from 1M to 2.2M, ensuring all of my grounds are good, general inspection for cold solder joints (etc) and disconnecting the (regular red ie not ultra bright) LED.

I even went so far as to build a second pedal and it has the same issue.

Would adding a pull down resistor to the ouput/ground on the board help? I tried connecting one from the out lug to the ground lug on the switch but that did not work.

One thing that perplexes me is that the LED will come on without jacks inserted. Is this somehow connected to my popping issue?

Any help would be greatly appreciated.