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Messages - noisepunk

That makes a lot of sense actually, I should've probably though of that. Thank you, that's probably exactly what I need.
Maybe a visual will help?

Depression is a footswitch, momentary or latch, but latch in this case- on off would be a toggle switch.

Sorry, thanks for asking for clarification, I know there are common abbreviations for both of these, but I haven't memorized them yet
I'd like to turn my big muff and double muff into my own varient of the Big Muff Germanium4, Fulltone GT-500 and other similar pedals.

I have an enclosure picked out that should fit everything, even if that winds up requiring some fancy mounting, so now I just need a more solid plan of how I'm going to make this work.

So here's a rundown of what I'd like in this pedal:

•Single power supply (option of either battery or 9volt adapter, as is standard on both pedals).
•Bypass switch for the big muff (already accomplished :P)
•Replace the on off switch on the double muff with a depression switch
•Replace the bypass switch on the double muff with an on off switch
•Add a master bypass switch
•Add a power on off switch for when running on battery power.

Hopefully all of this is accomplishable- I have everything but the enclosure, so the sooner I can get this figured out, the sooner I can get this built!

I'd also love you opinion on the most effective way of applying a graphic similar to the original- I'm guessing they used silkscreen, which is an option, but not ideal do to funds unfortunately, unless I outsourced it.

Thanks  :)