Thanks for the info gents. I was indeed referring to some of the DIY Madbean projects for which there are no "official" Madbean boards for sale. I saw the referenced thread but as Murphy's Law dictates, I'm after the Sunking first and foremost.
I'd be obliged to hear about any potential sources.
Also, I'd just like to reiterate my appreciation for this site. The fantastic project pdf's have been one of my prime resources for figuring out this stompbox stuff. I'm less than a month into this hobby and here are my results:
- BYOC Classic Compressor (to build soldering chops)
- Keeley DS-1 Ultra (to build desoldering chops and modding capability)
- The full 30+ component SD-1 to Fulldrive conversion (mod values courtesy of 11 Gauge/Machine Head at TDPRI) complete with switchable clipping arrays, flat mids, and comp cut. I ended up swapping out the MOSFETS (meh) for Wampler's chocolate mod clipping array. Sounds brilliant!
Seems like the Madbean projects are the next natural step so thanks for being around.
I'd be obliged to hear about any potential sources.
Also, I'd just like to reiterate my appreciation for this site. The fantastic project pdf's have been one of my prime resources for figuring out this stompbox stuff. I'm less than a month into this hobby and here are my results:
- BYOC Classic Compressor (to build soldering chops)
- Keeley DS-1 Ultra (to build desoldering chops and modding capability)
- The full 30+ component SD-1 to Fulldrive conversion (mod values courtesy of 11 Gauge/Machine Head at TDPRI) complete with switchable clipping arrays, flat mids, and comp cut. I ended up swapping out the MOSFETS (meh) for Wampler's chocolate mod clipping array. Sounds brilliant!
Seems like the Madbean projects are the next natural step so thanks for being around.