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Messages - MikeM

Hey guys

I'm planning on putting an output buffer into a wah of mine so that it plays nice with my fuzz. However that got me wondering, how much does impedance impact the sweep of a volume pot? Could changing it affect its sweep?

I've also heard of wah pedals and their coupling to pickups. Is this a thing? Would there be a significant difference if I were to have it behind a buffer?

Lastly, how would one go about chaning the impedance on a basic opamp buffer?
Mods / Re: Kingslayer tweaks
January 28, 2014, 03:26:12 PM
Thanks very much Jake!!

I'm getting around to them finally now and I have two smallish questions.

The capacitors for the charge pump, would increasing them have any effect? I don't have any 10uFs, but have a good few 100uFs spare.

Secondly, would it be possible to replace all the 1uFs (coupling style ones) with electrolytics, purely for experimenting sake?
We call it prestik here.

Here's my latest attempt

Never thought I'd get such a good response. Thanks guys!!!

I think a combination between working in levels and using blutack will get my boards looking great!
Hey folks

I've found that I need to bend the leads of my components before soldering them, otherwise I end up with them sitting relatively sloppily and skew on the pcb.

Any tricks to keeping them looking neat and trim?

As a South African, I grew up listening to this guy. Must have been around 15 years ago that I first heard his stuff. Still need to catch the movie though!!
Mods / Kingslayer tweaks
December 07, 2013, 08:40:13 PM
Hey folks

So I am building a couple of Kingslayers for myself and friends.. Besides the mods listed in the pdf (C7 for more bass, C15 for the tone control and R11 for gain and then the clippers) can anyone give me some pointers of anything else interesting to do?

I plan to breadboard the clipping sections so I can test out a bunch of diodes I have here, 1n34s, bat41s, bat46s, red leds, 1n4001s and 1N4148XTRs (Will they work?). From what I understand, tweaking the value of C8 will also affect the treble? I've got some high and low ESR electrolytics that I'm going to test to see if there's any difference. Besides that, I'm pretty clueless as to what else I can do. I will be building 5, so I'd like to see if I can get a whole bunch of A/B/C/D/E testing out of the way :D
General Questions / Re: Big list of goodies
June 17, 2013, 05:41:08 PM
Yup, not only am I saving on shipping, but at roughly $0.05 for an OC71 I think most are going to be quite cheap :D
General Questions / Big list of goodies
June 17, 2013, 01:26:42 PM
Hey folks

I got a rather huge list of components from a vendor here in South Africa. However I have limited knowledge of what's worth snatching up...

AC126, 128s, 1n34, 1n60, OC72, OC139, 2n1305, 2n1307 are pretty much all I recognise..

If anyone is feeling brave enough, any recommendations would be hugely appreciated as these are hard to come buy down here.

General Questions / Re: Fat, loose drive
May 30, 2013, 09:35:18 PM
For the exact reasons stated earlier in this thread.

Perhaps you did not understand my question. The forward voltage is increased when you put more diodes in series. Reducing the gain would send a smaller voltage signal through the diodes. What would the difference between putting a 1v signal through diodes that clip at 0.5v and a 2v signal through diodes that clip at 1v? I'm sure there will be secondary effects in the circuit?
General Questions / Re: Fat, loose drive
May 30, 2013, 08:37:54 PM
Bumping this almost ancient topic.

Working on a FF now.. Besides the input cap, and popping in a bunch of ge diodes, how else can I get this baby to sound more round?

On this note, I am also a little confused on the whole more diode headroom with the gain turned up vs less diode headroom with the gain low down. Can anyone clear this up for me?

Thanks folks!!!
General Questions / SS Switching
March 10, 2012, 11:19:04 PM
Hey guys

I don't know much about SS stuff, and in one of my amps I am working with some relays etc..

Basically I am working from my 6.3VAC tap, rectifying it, and running that into a big cap. This will be powering a couple of opto-FETs which will be doing my switching as well as a couple LEDs.

Now this isn't really an economic solution as I battle to get a hold of these ICs and they're quite pricey when I do.

Does anyone know of any other good and economic solutions that could be run from somewhere between 5 and 10v dc (Possibly up to 50v as well).

Thanks guys
General Questions / Re: Fat, loose drive
March 02, 2012, 06:23:16 PM
Think I'm going to try the RC Booster setup and see how far I can get with that  ;D

Ordered a good few 1N34As now.
General Questions / Re: Fat, loose drive
March 02, 2012, 04:37:06 PM
Thanks Jacob

I've been trying to get a tone similar to that with my muff, which is just not cutting it.

I think I'm also looking for an excuse not to buy a Lovepedal Kalamazoo which also does the smooth drive thing very nicely.
General Questions / Fat, loose drive
March 02, 2012, 03:14:45 PM
Hey guys

Can anyone recommend a madbean project that acts as a really fat, thick, smooth and loose overdrive? Something that takes the edge off of pick attack, and isn't grainy.

I was thinking of starting off with a quasar / RC boost, but then using ge diodes, a big input cap (And 2nd cap most likely, and a small output cap to even things out.

Looking for something like this..

Any ideas or suggestions?

Thanks folks