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Messages - lostgoonie

Thanks Scott!
Hey guys,
So I just built a bumblebee with the older layout w/o the road rage board.

Can someone tell me what the differences between using the road rage board to supply power to a positive ground pedal vs switching the positive and negative leads around?

I know you can't daisy chain positive ground with negative ground pedals, but is there any other benefits to using the Road rage?

Can anyone tell me how to or point me in the right direction for fixing the buffer signal loss issue with the Sunking version 2. I can only find info on version 3.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Mods / Re: Lowrider - Lower octaves volume increase mod?
February 19, 2012, 03:10:25 PM
Thanks Brian!!
This is exactly what I was looking for! Worked like a charm, now to narrow down the resistor sweet spots.
Mods / Re: Lowrider - Lower octaves volume increase mod?
February 17, 2012, 01:06:56 PM
Louder compared to the bypassed signal, is what I mean. The dry and Uoct level seem to have plenty of volume to adjust so it matches the bypassed signal and the ability to boost it.

The Doct1 can almost hit unity gain, and Doct2 is fairly low even when maxed out.

Hope that's clearer. Thanks for the quick response!
Mods / Lowrider - Lower octaves volume increase mod?
February 17, 2012, 03:46:07 AM
Has anyone experimented with making the lower octaves on the Lowrider louder?
Care to share?