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Messages - graantjes

General Questions / Re: sourcing parts for DMM
February 16, 2012, 09:57:57 AM
ok thanks, I thought the values needed to be exact and also it had to be a tl062P instead of a tl062,

thanks again!
General Questions / Re: sourcing parts for DMM
February 15, 2012, 08:59:11 PM

I can order parts on the european mouser website but not on the US one, and they charge almost 3$ for 1 resistor, also I don' t see the TL062P on the european mouser website. I don' t mind paying this, but if there are other alternatives...

thanks for the effort, I will certanly keep it in mind!

best regards, graantjes
General Questions / sourcing parts for DMM
February 15, 2012, 08:30:25 PM

I have a little trouble finding the following parts for the DMM:
TL062P, 33k2 metal film, 24k3 metal film and also a 50k resistor.

What did you guys use and where did you find these?

best regards and what nice pcb' s are to be found here!