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Messages - thirst4music

Open Discussion / Re: Guitar purchase/brand opinions
January 15, 2012, 11:31:38 PM
You've probably already made your purchase, but I thought I would weigh in for the sake of anyone else who is wondering about Xaviere guitars.  First, let me say that I have no experience with Rondo.  But last month I bought an Xaviere XV-650, which has a semi-hollow strat-shaped body with two P90 pickups and a maple fretboard.  I paid $223 for it, delivered in a wooden hardshell case.  Very nice.  Well set up and playable right out of the box, feels like a Fender, gets pretty close to a Fender vintage tone but with the added girth and grind of P90s.  A few days ago the three-way pickup selector toggle stopped functioning, but I have heard only good things about Jay's customer service, so I'm sure I could send it back for repair or replacement.  However, since I was already thinking about doing some wiring mods, I am going to repair/replace it myself and void the warranty.  Regardless of this inconvenience, I really love this guitar and would recommend it at twice the price I paid; I have six nice electric guitars (including a Parker) and the Xaviere has become my go-to axe.  I will be ordering an Xaviere strat copy (XV-870) soon.

Let us know what you decided and how it is working out for you.