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Open Discussion / Re: hello... im new
January 06, 2012, 02:17:35 AM
man tht snowjob is b.e.a.u.tiful!

and i thought about tht one dwstanford, i saw someone mention that one on here somewhere
Open Discussion / Re: hello... im new
January 05, 2012, 11:53:47 PM
i just had a look at those two on the old you tube they bot seem pretty cool!
Open Discussion / hello... im new
January 05, 2012, 10:50:45 PM
okie doke...

(I apologise in advance for the essay)

first things first, i own a guitar and bass,
however my preference is bass
im really getting into the idea of making some pedals :D
and after researching loads for the past week im glad i found this site along with freestompboxes dot org, and many other threads forums etc
loving the bean for his time and effort
and im up for doing some and eager to start on something. using this site im thinking of attempting the SABERTOOTH....
i intend attempting others eventually.

But here's my question...s

i nearly thought !@#$ this and gave in to the behringer bass effects (i even looked up rehousing them, cause im a sucker for the metal enclosure style! but then changed my mind again)
im gonna stick with it and go DIY!

so which pedals would be bass friendly?
and this includes like pedal kits or whatever
