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Messages - IvIark

Yes the difference in cost is massive.  The cigs I smoked are almost £10 a packet now whereas it probably costs me around £1 a week in liquid because I make my own up.  Haven't had so much free cash since before I was married  ;D

I was smoking from being 14, tried everything to give up including the Pfizer suicide pills and had ultimately resigned myself to smoking for the rest of my shortened life because I just had no will power to stop at all.  I bought my first e-cig at the beginning of last July with no high expectations of me stopping, but by the end of July I didn't want another cig again and haven't now for 13 months.

I use a couple of Kayfun Lites and Russian 91%'s with microcoil and cotton wool, and have lots of Kayfun Lite and Russian 91% clones from Fasttech as extras and spares.  Usually with an Innokin SVD, MVP or Vamo's, and I do have a few mech mods which I prefer using with some liquids for some reason (I bought lots of them in preparation for getting shafted by the British government and EU in their attempt to protect their tobacco income whilst simultaneously trying to make everyone gullible enough believe that they really really do want you to give up smoking).

I'm dropping the levels every couple of months, so I hope I'll ween myself off it completely in the next year or so.  It's so much easier when you can control your nicotine intake and adjust it as you like.  But I mix my own and have a few litres of nicotine in the fridge, and as I feel fitter than I have in many years I'm in no rush.