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Messages - DLM

Global Annoucements / Re: Protorig in stock
January 28, 2023, 12:34:10 AM
 thank you I have bought boards from him before he is a great person !
Global Annoucements / Re: Protorig in stock
January 28, 2023, 12:15:44 AM
Sorry. I'm trying to figure out how things work on the site , so I'm probably posting in the wrong in the area . Yes I did order the protorig off the shop site and yes I like to have one . If that one is available . Its all good !   Bare with me .  I'll catch on . Question - If the moderator announces he has some available , do I reply to him privately or just reply ? Thank you DLM
Global Annoucements / Re: Protorig in stock
January 27, 2023, 10:38:11 PM
Sorry bug you I'm new , I sent ya the $28 what do I do now ? Thanks
Global Annoucements / Re: Protorig in stock
January 27, 2023, 04:03:21 PM
Hello Brian , I ordered the test rig . On your site it says NA . But I bought it any way . I hope you still have some left . Thank you DLM
Global Annoucements / Re: Protorig in stock
January 27, 2023, 04:24:42 AM
are there any of these left ? cuz I could use one Thanks
Introductions / Re: Hello I'm Dave glad to be back !
January 22, 2023, 05:13:19 AM
Thanks to all of you - I'll keep building away .
Introductions / Hello I'm Dave glad to be back !
January 21, 2023, 02:18:54 AM
 Used to build a pedal ever once in awhile from here . It's been years ago . All the people where great at helping a noob back then as well as today . I never really understood what I was doing , just soldering boards and hoping they would work ,some did some didn't (lol) never learned how to test them . And now being newly retired I have nothing but time to go back and learn the right way of doing things . Which brings to my question : Can any of you suggest an online school or course I can use ? most of the youtube vids are hit and miss . I would like to start with basics and be able bread board circuits and understand why and what they are doing  . Thanks guys for your help and I hope I posted in the correct category !
Thank you Mad bean , I put it on the mouser cart . Now I need to order your softie 3 . You are THE GREAT ONE  ! 
Hey , Thank you Jimilee  your the Best ! I have had this Green bean sitting on my desk since 2015 and never built it . I recently up graded it to 2019 and wanted to put in the softy switch .
Hello , I am having  a problem finding and getting a  Bipolar transistor 2n3904bu for my softie 3 build . On the mouser cart it says back ordered 43 weeks . I searched around and only could find them on amazon (at 6.00 to 12.00 each . little pricey )  and on amazon  it says 2n3904  without the bu on the it . As I am not  educated in electronics , I do not know the difference of the parts I'm looking at . Can someone please advise ?
General Questions / Re: Another noobie cap question
June 05, 2012, 01:22:51 AM
Thank you Josh , I appreciate your patience . D
General Questions / Re: Another noobie cap question
June 04, 2012, 03:22:12 AM
I understand what your saying about the 4k8 as being 4.8k . But here's what I'm talking about check this thread toward the bottom
Now on beans list for Ceramic and Electrolytic cap ordering  it says 47x1  . So dose that mean 47x1 = 47pf times 10 and the 10 meaning 10 pcs   and for   Electrolytic  1x3 = 1uf times 3= 30 pcs ?  Help please Dave
General Questions / Re: Another noobie cap question
June 04, 2012, 02:56:18 AM
So if the electrolytic cap value 100x3 , It means  100uf times 3 which would be  100uf @ 30 pcs  . Is this correct ?  Thanks D
General Questions / Another noobie cap question
June 04, 2012, 01:45:37 AM
Hey guys , Thanks for info on the last post . But I have another question . I was looking at bean's most used cap list . I'm guessing he uses some sort of short hand for writing values  , like   an " x "  between the values  as in  ,  47x1  or 100x3  etc. Whats the "x" mean ?  I also have seen  100R  and 2k2 or 2M2 . Is there a lnfo list of the type of lettering so I know what values  I'm supposed get ?  I'm trying to figure this stuff out .    Thanks  Dave     P.S.  STOP LAUGHING YOU GUYS !!!!   ( just kidding  )
Jacob , you are awesome ! Thanks !  Now how do I get rid of this big bag of stuff ? Just kidding ! I'll try to go through it a little at time . Then again , I'll probably just sell it . Thanks