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Messages - hubb

i only need 1.

Let me know if you can track this POT down.
Heres's a build doc from madbean that has a typical wiring diagram.

I *think* that by grounding to the sleeve of the input jack the enclosure then becomes grounded.

It looks like the inside of the enclosure is painted, is it possible that the jacks aren't making good contact with the enclosure?  You may want to try sanding down the inside of the enclosure where the jacks make contact to ensure that the ground can be carried by the enclosure if nothing else works.
Quote from: the3secondrule on January 04, 2015, 08:28:36 AM
Quote from: hubb on January 03, 2015, 11:09:25 PM
I've tried the Orange Squeezer and found it not that useful for bass.

I have built the afterlife and rocked it on my breadboard, still need to box it, but I think it will likely work well.

I also have a bear  hug (1776) board here, haven't built yet but look forward to trying it.

I'm a bit like you in that I haven't played much with a compressor, but I'm expecting it to help squish the pops and loud volume if i slap at all, and to give me a bit more sustain and smoothness.

Hope this helps.

I built the orange squeezer years ago and it was unusably noisy - I was using A LOT of gain at that point though. But I definitely got the sense that I'd be best looking at optical comps...

Were you runing the comp at the beginning or end of your pedal chain?  I have always placed mine at the beginning.

When i get done with all of my other projects i think i'm going to add the attack knob and blend knob mods to the orange squeezer to semi-emulate the pulp-and-peel from JHS.  I don't know if that will make the pedal any better.

I've tried the Orange Squeezer and found it not that useful for bass.

I have built the afterlife and rocked it on my breadboard, still need to box it, but I think it will likely work well.

I also have a bear  hug (1776) board here, haven't built yet but look forward to trying it.

I'm a bit like you in that I haven't played much with a compressor, but I'm expecting it to help squish the pops and loud volume if i slap at all, and to give me a bit more sustain and smoothness.

Hope this helps.
That's awesome.  Thanks for the tip!
So . . .

The EBAY purchase of POTS was from china, and of-course (my fault) they went to the wrong address.

I wanted to see if there was a POT that I could substitute either from Mammoth or Smallbear (w100k?) that would work for this pedal.

I did my level best to meter the POTS and i've attached the chart.

From what I can tell it is truly a w-taper pot at 100k (81.2k measured)

Here's the question for the group:  It seems to me the best choice as a replacement would be a 100k linear pot.  I'm guessing that the downside to using a linear pot is that from 10:00 to about 2:00 the knob response won't be great . . . in other words, the level from 10:00 to 2:00 won't be as different from say 2:00 - 4:00.  Do I have this right?

Thoughts / suggestions would be greatly appreciated.
General Questions / Re: wife wants more sustain from bass
December 30, 2014, 02:58:12 AM
I threw a pair of nordstrand pickups and the badass bridge on my p-bass and I have sustain for days. . . .

I haven't had much luck with diy compression thus far, but I use an MXR DI for basic overdrive, and the Green Russian Muff for fuzz.

Is building a 2-in-1 pedal as easy as taking the output from circuit 1 and running it over to the 3pdt of circuit2?  If so, i'd consider building my bear hug (1776 compressor) along with a klon buffer, or something similar.


General Questions / Re: Dirtbag Build Doc?
December 24, 2014, 07:08:54 PM
Awesome!  Thank you!
I just did the exact same project with the exact same problem.

Can you post the color code of the resistor you have in R24?

I accidentally had a 100k resistor there instead of a 100R resistor.


edit:corrected nomenclature
General Questions / Re: Dirtbag Build Doc?
December 23, 2014, 02:53:37 AM

I'm starting to understand why this project is discontinued.

I honestly don't mind ponying up the cash for genuine mn3005 or mn3008's (double up, son), but it looks like the only dudes with either are in china. .  . . and i don't trust china for genuine anything.

i'm going to head over to the buy/sell/trade section to see if i can find someone who has some they're willing to part with.

Not exactly sure about the point of this post. . . . so um, yeah.
General Questions / Re: Dirtbag Build Doc?
December 21, 2014, 02:24:36 PM
No sweat bruva!

I think I'm ready to give this pedal a try.

General Questions / Dirtbag Build Doc?
December 21, 2014, 05:28:53 AM
Anyone have the dirtbag deluxe build doc saved?  I can't seem to find it anywhere and am finally getting around to building this guy.

Open Discussion / Re: Best one-knobbers?
December 18, 2014, 03:08:11 AM
how about a stacked potentiometer sort-of thing.  Make a 2 knobber look like a 1 knobber.  Not sure if this is doable with a standard enclosure.
Open Discussion / Re: Portable Recording Solution
December 16, 2014, 03:55:56 AM
If you're not looking for studio quality, I would recommend an ipad with a blue snowball mic.  We use this setup with an app called Recorder Plus to record our band practices.

The mic interfaces to the ipad using the camera connection kit.

So after a few tests with my testing rig, it does indeed appear that the effect defaults "on".

Here's the rig and the setup.  Those solder pads are (Left to right) -
Ground - White on my test rig
Power - Red on my test rig
Switch - Not connected on test rig
LED - Not connected on test rig
Output - Black on test rig
Input - Yellow on test rig

I'm going to work up the 3pdt switch wiring with the LED and test the circuit again.  Based upon the enclosure i'm building it in, I'm going to change those noisy POTS too.  They're W100k pots, so i had to order replacements from ebay.. .  still haven't arrived.

Anyhow, I'll post progress as i get the 3pdt figured out and tested.
