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Messages - sambo

Open Discussion / just noticed these...
October 27, 2012, 07:25:46 AM
Pedal control bits... Look quite interesting...

Hi hi!

Just messing around with transistors in my fuzz face.. Sounds awesome... just a bit quiet... Seems the same with whatever i put in it (bit better with silicon, but sounds bloody awful!). Im having to dime the volume to get just below unity...

Any ideas? or is this normal?!

Made a few before, but never bothered painting and finishing them off well... they're all grey boxes!

Got the data sheet for the gt108s, I'll dig it out....

Labels are just inkjet labels clear coated over...

I like having pedals looking similar!

The box has some gt108b in there. Little flying saucer ones. Problem is they have REDICULOUSLY thin leads on them... very difficult to get into sockets. Anyone found a way to get them in easily?

Build Reports / Been A Bit Busy... (4 new builds)
March 07, 2012, 08:33:20 PM
Hi! First post!

Been lurking around for a while, but these are my first set of builds...

4 builds,
1) Sparkle Drive - A fatpants preamp
2) Dragon Drive - Fulltone OCD (now my fav OD! - Needs a few knobs to finish!)
3) Jimi Thing - Fuzz Face (yet to decide on my fav transistors for this, playing with silicon/germanium mixtures at the moment)
4) Nova Comp - Ross Comp clone (from a tonepad pcb i did years and years ago!)

And Gut Shots...

Also had a little delivery from Russia this morning.....
