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Messages - stevewitt

Fortunately there is most likely no legitimacy to the business as a whole, so the overhead cost/risk is barely a factor. If you sell one, you're set. If not, you're out $16.43 for materials and $3 for the domain name.
Here's an audiophile USB cable for the discerning gentleman
Open Discussion / Re: DA Fuzz Face sound issue
November 17, 2011, 05:19:49 PM
Great, thanks guys/girls.
I'll measure the transistors tonight or this weekend and post back.. Thanks!
Open Discussion / DA Fuzz Face sound issue
November 16, 2011, 05:28:36 PM
Hi, new here. Thanks for having me.

I'm new to this whole thing, but I have a red DA Fuzz Face with NKT275s that I've been poking around at for a while. All the connections look good and clean, the power source is good, and I've just swapped out the two electrolytic caps (2.2uf and 22uf) for posterity.

Single note lead parts sound pretty killer. Really ripping tone, although not a whole lot of perceivable volume even with the volume pot cranked. However, when playing chords/even power chords through this thing, the sound is just crushed. It's like the pedal is on monophonic mode and it just can't pass a thick sounding chord for me. Sounds almost like there is some sort of gain ceiling, set very low... ???
I realize this thing has among the simplest circuits out there, so I'm wondering if somebody can give me a clue as to what component could typically be acting up to cause this. If my explanation is unclear I can try and post a clip later on.
Thanks all