Drill Press for sure. Drill speed would be 2nd. Aluminium does not like being drilled too fast. Medium or 2nd from slowest on a pillar drill (2400rpm ish) is about right. Plus dont just steam on through, you want to cut a bit, then raise the drill bit out, then do a bit more. This will help remove the ally from the hole and the drill spirals as you go, which makes cutting accurately much easier. If you are using a stepper bit, than have the drill on it slowest setting.
Also what i find useful for nice accurate side holes on Hammond enclosures is to use an angle vise, which allows you to have the angled box sides on a flat plane for drilling. You can do it without one, but drilling down onto an angled box will cause the drills to drift
Also what i find useful for nice accurate side holes on Hammond enclosures is to use an angle vise, which allows you to have the angled box sides on a flat plane for drilling. You can do it without one, but drilling down onto an angled box will cause the drills to drift