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Messages - kiasyd

Tech Help - Projects Page / Re: quasar v4 not working
February 26, 2012, 07:34:53 AM
It's alive!!!
just put in a socket and start swapping the transistors,  and it was doing its job.
now its a lovely booster with a lovely volume drop  :'( i think its somethink like the revenge of the transistors , well its 4am in Chile so I'm happy fixing one problem today and leaving the other for tomorrow
thanks to you all and if you can help me with the volume drop ill be really thankfull
Tech Help - Projects Page / Re: quasar v4 not working
February 24, 2012, 01:48:05 PM
Quote from: mgwhit on February 24, 2012, 01:25:34 PM
No, no.  As long as you've double checked it, that's good.  For a while there I was just convinced that you must have a bad value in your power supply voltage divider, but (a.) I couldn't find one, and (b.) it actually doesn't make sense given the (high) voltages for Q1 and Q2 you posted yesterday.

VB should be around 4.5V and provides the voltage for IC1 pins 3 and 5 as well as the base of Q2, and that is almost exactly what you've got on the IC pins.  I don't think there's any explanation for having the 8.36V on the base of Q2 (or Q1 for that matter) other than bad transistors (like Jacob's been saying for a while now).  I just thought it was improbable that all four (or five, if you swapped in another one) of your transistors would be bad, but I can't come up with anything else.

I usually feel that blaming the components is bad style -- and it is much more rare that a bad component is the problem compared to builder mistakes -- but bad components do happen every now and then.  I should've paid more attention to the evidence, though.  I think you should try to get some new E-C-B transistors and see what happens.  Good luck!
thanks, I thought quite the same,but i dint have access to a great stock of transistors, but i`m gonna buy a few, to see if that works. if it doesn't the ill just quit electronics diy :P
Tech Help - Projects Page / Re: quasar v4 not working
February 24, 2012, 11:48:53 AM
Quote from: mgwhit on February 24, 2012, 04:24:00 AM
Quote from: kiasyd on February 24, 2012, 02:58:04 AM
it happened to me to, the datasheet shows the transistor from below, then i had to see it from abode,and the from the schematics. that isn't a good exercise after seen the same circuit all day long.
r18 is  [gold its 5% tolerance  ;)]

Jeez.  I'm on a roll today.   :-\  Yeah, should be Blue-Grey-Black-Brown-Brown.  I still can't tell what's going on in the multiplier band on your R18, but if you say it's Brown (x 10) I'll take your word for it.  I'm gonna play around with the voltages on your on your transistors a bit more and then I'm going to bed myself.

something happened there, the message dint come as i spected. well, r18 is blue-grey-black-brown
if you want i can upload some better quality pics
Tech Help - Projects Page / Re: quasar v4 not working
February 24, 2012, 03:49:59 AM
Quote from: jkokura on February 24, 2012, 03:29:29 AM
Keep it up guys! If you stick with it something will turn up.
thanks, am loving this forum, you guys are great  ::)

Quote from: jkokura on February 24, 2012, 03:29:29 AM
As for the problem in question, what are your voltage readings at the input and ground? Also, have your checked for any incorrect continuity between either the Base or the Emitter on that Q? the extra power has to be coming from somewhere, and if it's not a bad Q (which I still suspect), then it has to be a solder bridge.
i haven't read the voltage at the input, but ground is at 0v, just like it should.
can you explain a little more about testing the Q plz. i`m just relying in my backup board, my bad. i don't think it is a solder bridge, i spent like two hours just looking for one with a magnifying glass.
well guys its late here in Chile so I'm going to bed, but I'm going to be here REALY early 

thanks for all guys, I'm gonna find the way to pay you back  ;D
Tech Help - Projects Page / Re: quasar v4 not working
February 24, 2012, 02:58:04 AM
Quote from: mgwhit on February 24, 2012, 02:44:03 AM
Meh.  I must be reading the data sheets backwards.  Sorry about that.

What's the value of your R18?  Should be Blue-Grey-Black-Brown-Gold if that's a 6k8 with 1% tolerance, but both of yours look slightly off to me.  Could be the photos, could be my brain -- it's been letting me down a bit today.   :P
it happened to me to, the datasheet shows the transistor from below, then i had to see it from abode,and the from the schematics. that isn't a good exercise after seen the same circuit all day long.
r18 is  [gold its 5% tolerance  ;)]
Tech Help - Projects Page / Re: quasar v4 not working
February 24, 2012, 02:14:49 AM
Quote from: mgwhit on February 24, 2012, 01:18:40 AM
Quote from: jkokura on February 23, 2012, 10:35:02 PM
No, if you read the docs you'll see that Bean talks about there being strange pinouts with those parts. It looks correct to me on the layout. The collector is the middle pin, and it connects straight to +9V.

I totally agree about the middle pin being the collector, but from tracing the connections on the layout diagram it looks like the bottom pin on Q1 and the top pin on Q2 should be the base.  The bottom pin on Q1 connects to R3 and the top pin on Q2 connects to R13.  The orientation of the transistors on the layout (i.e. flat-side left for Q1, flat-side right for Q2) does not jive with the data sheets for the 2SC945 and the 2SC1815 that are linked from the build document.
Just tried turning both Qs, didn't  notice any change in any voltage, and obviously didn't sound. Are there any part biasing the transistors???
Tech Help - Projects Page / Re: quasar v4 not working
February 24, 2012, 12:59:43 AM
Quote from: oldhousescott on February 24, 2012, 12:50:58 AM
IC1 voltage look fine. Q voltages look wrong. Collector voltage is correct since it is tied directly to +9. Base and Emitter for Q1 should be sitting around 3 volts. B and E for Q2 should be around 4.5 volts. I'd try some new transistors, if you have any.
mmm... the voltages are the same in both PCBs and i also tried replacing the transistors, i have 5 of them.
maybe they are not the correct substitution?
Tech Help - Projects Page / Re: quasar v4 not working
February 23, 2012, 11:05:38 PM
Quote from: jkokura on February 23, 2012, 10:43:04 PM
Quote from: kiasyd on February 23, 2012, 07:56:07 PM
anyways, i try using my amp like some kind of prove so i can know where the sound stop, and it stop right after q1, so i replace c2 nothing happend.

Hi Axel, welcome to the forum.

It sounds to me like you're trying to use an audio probe. If so, that's great. It's probably the best tool to use.

From what you describe, I would suspect that Q1 is the problem, not C2. If you get no audio on the Emmiter of Q1, but you do on the Base, that would suggest that something is either wrong with your power, or that the Q itself is not functioning for some reason.

Looking at your photos, your soldering looks good, but I haven't had a chance to really check all your parts against each other. Try and be really clear and walk through your schematic using an audio probe. If you have sound stop at a certain place, look at the schematic and ask which part could be causing the problem.

thanks for the welcome, had been lurking for a while i just don't feel too comfortable writing in english.
i also think that the Q is the problem and since i dont really have an  electronics store near i just wanna be sure before buy some  new transistors. now i`m sure that the components are right, all in their pace and the right value, i literally spent hours  checking everything was the way it should be, including checking my solders with a magnifying glass.
can you tell me if some of the voltages i posted earlier are wrong plz???
Tech Help - Projects Page / Re: quasar v4 not working
February 23, 2012, 10:07:09 PM
Quote from: mgwhit on February 23, 2012, 09:40:51 PM
Wow.  Is it possible that the layout from the build doc shows the incorrect orientation of Q1 and Q2?  What I'm seeing does not match up with the datasheet for either the 2SC1815 or the 2SC945.  Try rotating your transistors.  Meanwhile I'm going to search the archives.  I would think something like this would have come up before now.
:S great i just used the bad version of the pedal  :P

Quote from: mgwhit on February 23, 2012, 09:25:32 PM
What are your voltages at IC1:pin3, IC1:pin8 and Q1:pin1?
1  4.63
2  4.63
3  4.59
4  0
5  4.59
6  4.63
7  4.63
8  9.03

q1-2 [same voltages]
b  8.36
c  9.03
e  8.37

thanks for the help [VERY quik help  :o]
hi my name is Axel and I'm an electronics engineering freshmen from Chile:
so, mi problem is that mi quasar just refuse to make any kind of sound, its not my first project (and it's actually the smaller   :'(),anyways, i try using my amp like some kind of prove so i can know where the sound stop, and it stop right after q1, so i replace c2 nothing happend. only use one substitution i used was 2sc945 as q1-2 and used the parts marked for the bass mod. i also have done the hole circuit twice (one by me and one by a friend) and both times happened the same
if anyone wanna help i would be very thankfull
ps: sorry about my poor English, hope you all understand