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Messages - jbgron

Thanks Brain!  A 15R resistor solved my issue.  Give it a go guys, I suggest socketing it and finding the right speed for you.  10R is fun  ;D
Thanks for the reply Brian.  I'll give it a try as soon as I get home from work.
Thanks, I was hoping you'd say you got it elsewhere though  :)

As a last desperate attempt to get this working I'm going to buy another IC from eBay.
Can I ask where you bought your IC from?
Thanks for the replies guys, it's good to know I'm not the only one.  I bought my IC from Small Bear, did everyone else with the problem buy from there too?

I'm getting no joy with this, I tried a CD4001BE and the problem still persists.  It's definitely not a solder bridge or cold joint, all signs are pointing to something actually wrong with my ISD1020AP IC.  

Anyone? Bueller?
Ugly feet but nice clip, thanks man.  Can you confirm what type/brand of CD4001 you used?  I could be on the wrong track but I can't see what else could be wrong with my build.
Has it got something to do with my CD4001, mine is a CD4001BP.  I've seen issues with 4049's buffered and unbuffered, are we looking at the same thing here?
Thanks for the reply.  Unfortunately I've already boxed this up and the detune function was untested because I didn't have a switch at the time.  Are you saying the Detune effect is meant to be very subtle?  I thought it was meant to sound like in this video, toward the end;

Tech Help - Projects Page / Loophole - Detune not working
December 26, 2011, 07:17:39 AM
Hi guys,

I just built the Loophole project, everything is working perfectly except the Detune switch does not work.  I've eliminated solder bridges and I've replaced the switch but I still cannot get it to work.  Does anyone have any pointers?

