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Messages - pjohns0

General Questions / stomp box switch pop question
October 07, 2011, 08:58:27 PM
My ThunderPuss clean boost pops when turned on.  I've read the Geofex article about how to fix the pop and think I understand how to apply it, but I had a broader question about this fix on other circuits.

The Geofex article states:  "For mechanical switches, put a 100K to 4.7M (exact value does not matter) resistor from the "outboard" end of both the input and output capacitors to ground. This keeps the ends of the capacitors pulled to the right voltage all the time, and cures the leakage problem. No capacitor clicks."

OK.  So on the ThunderPuss, I take that to mean place the resistor on the output end of both C1 and C4.  Correct me if I'm wrong.

Now, for other circuits, it's my understanding that the input and output caps may not always be the first capacitor and the last capacitor in the circuit, correct?  For example, sometimes there is a very high value cap to filter RF that is the first cap in the circuit.

So how does one determine exactly what cap is the input and output capacitor in all circuits?

I really appreciate the help.  I really, really like the ThunderPuss.
Tech Help - Projects Page / Rump Roast build problem
October 03, 2011, 04:51:12 PM
Hello.  I'm trying to build a Rump Roast with the hybrid wiring scheme (boost / overdrive on a switch) and am having some issues.  When I power up the circuit, the LED lights up, but very dim.  There is a crazy amount of hum will little to no guitar volume passed.  If I ground the tip of one of the jacks, the LED glows at normal brightness.
Additionally, the bias knobs are turned all the way down and still read around 10 volts.

I suspect a wrong / bad component on the PCB, but I don't even know where to start.

Any thoughts?