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Messages - tuffteef

Open Discussion / Retrograde Fuzz question
January 13, 2013, 04:04:15 AM
Hey Guys,

So i built the retrograde and while i love it, the fuzz control seems to bunch right up at the end of the taper and when it does it pumps and compresses. i love the fuzz its like a gritty overdrive if i can get it drive even more id love it. So my question is, is this normal to the design? or have i used a wrong part

so i built a civil war muff with the mud boards its been working great but has mysteriously stopped working properly

im not sure whats going on but ive checked contin with the switch and all the wiring and checked for shorts
which are all fine

everything still wipes but all i get is a fizzy crackling when playing guitar through it

heres some voltages

E 4.50
B 0.74
C 0.14

E 4.50
B 0.74
C 0.14

E 7.96
B .01
C .01

E 5.47
B 1.38
C 0.87

ive probed around from Q3 to check for contin but other then that i dont know where to go
any help would be lovely!
Tech Help - Projects Page / No mo Mudbunny Mids?
May 16, 2012, 08:42:22 PM
so i just got my boards and im only noticing now that theres no mids pads anymore?  :'(

can i still tack a mids control on ?

thanks dudes
i put a 47n and 22n on a dpdt switch for convenience id like more bass though but its more than the original 10n 
scruffffie!  ;D

i did some checking i had a solder bridge on the ic and one of the pot wires was a tad wiggly
fixed those and it worked! thank yall

that input bass cap mod is no joke eaither
it should say do it TRUST ME!

hey guys,

so i put together a king of klones board wired it up
and bypass is all gravy but no sound when engaged
i can hear pots wipe and switches pop and what not
i did the normal checks or wires and grounding but no love

i used the wrong ic the jrc4588D instead of the JRC4580D

maybe thats issue number one
ill post some guts if the ic cant be subbed
