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Messages - zan

General Questions / Re: Sabertooth Wiring Question?
December 04, 2010, 09:21:49 AM
Well, with the help of my dad its now working.

Basically I had the dc power in jack wired incorrectly, but all good now :)
General Questions / Re: Sabertooth Wiring Question?
December 04, 2010, 07:55:26 AM

I'm a noob at this and I'm also attempting to build a Sabertooth. Problem is I'm not getting any sound passing through when the pedal is on.

I believe I have my switch wired correctly however I have my doubts as the led doesn't come on when the pedal is switched on.

Basically this is what happens:

  • When the pedal is on no signal passes through and the led is not lit
  • When the pedal is on the led does not come on.

Note that I have been testing with alligator clips joining up the grounds but removed them for the photos. I haven't tried it out in a case yet.

Anyone have any ideas about what I've done wrong? I've checked that all the resistors are correct and buzzed out a few things on a meter, as well as checking polarity on caps.
