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Messages - dogfish

Quote from: gordo on July 14, 2019, 01:54:27 AM
Dogfish, what if you really DO hear something different?  Never hurts to try.  Seriously.  Small investment and klons are the stuff myths are made of, so gives you piece of mind either way.

I did do the Burr Brown opamp switch last night. Keep in mind that I'm playing on bass, so for me, a smoother, fuller clipping is optimal.

The boost sounded a little clearer and better to me... more hi-fi. Though from reading this thread, that sounds almost impossible technically, so I'll chalk that one up to confirmation bias.

However, when I turned the knob towards clipping, it was a smoother, less bee-buzzy clip than with the TL072. That sounded "better" to me in the context of what I'm looking for for bass which is a light fuzz/clip with some prounounced mids to cut through a mix but still retain some lows. With the Burr Browns, the clip was closer to that. To my ears, with the TL072, it just went straight into bee-buzzy territory right away. I'm pretty sure that this was not confirmation bias as I switched them in and out a few times and anytime I had a TL072 in the circuit, the clipping was harsher.

There ya go...
We did build a J5 with an Aussie red gum top recently:
We shall see. I actually work at a bass shop and hear enough builds that I really can hear the subtlety of some wood combos. I heard an ash body, roasted maple neck, ebony fingerboard J the other day that was really unique. I didn't know exactly what it was when I started playing it but could hear the combo right away... it it's not op amps so we shall see.
I can already hear the difference (pre delivery)!
I should also admit that like a dope, I ordered some new op amps yesterday to test it all first hand.
The description was, um, yeah. Good perspective so far!
I want to use it more as a boost/tone favor with the Klon flavor but with more mid/bass than treble.
Do you remember how the sound was different at all?

Here's what I've read by one person about the switch... haven't read about anyone else switching so just wanted to see if there's some perspective here:


This is the one for bass guitar. The key seems to be setting the basic voice in the buffer, then retaining the desireable harmonic content of the overdrive post clipping. Also, as other configurations suggested, the two chips, albeit in different sections of the circuit, have to play nicely together sonically. Together, the focus and solidity of the OPA2134AP in the buffer, then the articulate yet thick snarl of the OPA2277PA post clipping, does both really well.
Terrible news. Can't imagine. We have an 11 month old pup who we really love.
Open Discussion / Re: New Bass Day!!!
July 12, 2019, 03:34:31 AM
I think that P may have come from a pickup that he made for me a while ago! His pickups sound great. Killer bass!
Has anyone spent time switching out the op amps on their klon clones? Any advice? I've been using boosts a lot lately with bass to thicken up the sound and just dusted off an old Klon I built from a board that was going around BYOC a while ago.

I also just read a long talkbass post from someone who swears by switching in OPA2134PA and OPA2277PA for the TL072 op amps.

I need to order those two and give it a shot, but wanted to just see what people have tried.

For this build, I've already switched in caps that are better for bass frequencies.
General Questions / Darkside 1.03 layout?
September 09, 2011, 03:39:21 AM
I recently got a populated Darkside v 1.03 board and am a little confused on how to hook it up. It's not exactly like the 1.0 or 1.5. Does anyone have the layout for this?