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Messages - larko

Audio/Video Demos / Re: My Poindexter called Belma! :)
September 19, 2011, 09:37:55 PM
Thank you all! :)

Quote from: nzCdogI used a 470pf cap to kill the Radio Interference I was getting with mine
Thanks for the tip, I'll maybe try this on a second build of the same project!
But it's true that the crackling are nice, but sometimes quite scary! lol
Audio/Video Demos / My Poindexter called Belma! :)
August 30, 2011, 06:08:53 AM

Here is a video demo of my build of the Pointdexter, with a "sardine can" enclosure, it sounds awesome! One of my favorite fuzz. It is a bit noisy, I have to try to put it in a real box to see if it gets better, but it's good anyway! I'm just afraid that my amp blows up when I plug it in! ;)

So, thank you Madbean for this projet! :)
