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Messages - Ettore_M

Open Discussion / Re: a real breadboard..
March 29, 2016, 08:23:22 AM
Hahaha!  ;D I want a proper build report for this!
Open Discussion / Re: Dumble or Tesla Model S P90D?
March 22, 2016, 08:29:43 AM
I would go for the Tesla too! The thing is great. If only they were available in Europe.
Also, that's some insane amount of money for an amp. Damn!  :o

Build Reports / Re: Cab-Sim/Headphone-Amp/Blender
February 05, 2016, 11:27:42 AM
Nice build mate!  :)
I wanna build something similar for a friend of mine, but I'm going to use another Cab Sim circuit,  maybe the Marshall one. How does your combo sound?

Open Discussion / Re: Awesome fender video from 1959
February 05, 2016, 11:25:48 AM
That's awesome indeed! I saw it yesterday on my Facebook timeline posted by Guitar World.
Truly amazing to see the luthiers' work so many years ago.
Quote from: kgull on February 03, 2016, 04:00:22 AM
Hey, I'm just finishing up a layout for the fender lxh2 cab sim, planning to order three from OSH Park for testing this weekend. If you'd like, I can send a board your way to try out. Uses a TC1044 for dual rail power from 9V and will fit in a 1590B.

Let me know if your interested.
That's very kind of you, kgull! Thanks  :)

PM sent  ;)

So, after a lot of searching, and reading, I decided to build this cab sim posted by JOK3RX over at DIYSB.

Before it, there will be a ROG Azabache (amp-in-a-box) and after, a balanced output.
So there is another question. I searched for balanced-line driving and it seems to me that there are ICs that do exactly that (for example, some THAT ICs) and the DIY way with simple TL072 or NE5532 buffers.
As I don't know anything about balanced or unbalanced lines, is there a better way for balanced XLR output and do you have any specific schematics to recommend for that application?

Quote from: Thomas_H on February 02, 2016, 10:13:16 AM
Hi Ettore,

you didnt say if its for acoustic or electric guitar.
For acoustic you wont need a cabsim in front, maybe an EQ.
For electric its both.

Built something for live? Yes :

Thanks Thomas for the uber quick answer.. Great build too!
Yeah, that's the kind of setup I want. However, I want it for use with electric guitar. Sorry I didn't clarify that.
So, you say I want both Cab Sim and balanced output for XLR. Right?
Also, does this seem to work good for your friend in live conditions?

Thanks a lot.

Hey guys! Long time no see. I don't have much time lately 'cause life and work got in the way..

I searched the forum for cab sim suggestions, but I had a couple questions so I thought I should write a new thread.

I wanna build a cab sim/ DI combo and I found a lot of DIY designs. But the question is if I build a cab sim, like ROG's Condor, would I need a DI, like for example a H&K Red Box, after it for feeding the signal to the main console (PA system) for a live situation?
I'm just searching a amp-less solution for live performances. Have anyone built and used a setup like this?

Nice upgrades you did there, mate! Now I have to do mine like yours! ;)
Thanks for the ideas!

And DIY knobs? A whole different level of DIYness.. Awesome build!
I'm in awe, man. Incredible.. Way to go! And the artistic side of it.. Well done! :)
Torrents, of course. I'll look for them. Piratebay or something. Thanks for the idea and for the new titles.
Now we have a comic book thread! :D
No... But I 'll check it out.
Do you have any links?
I used to read a lot of Hellboy stuff in .cbr form...
Man, I LOVE Hellboy.. Just love it. I've read every one of them. :D
I too hate mayonnaise. Look, I love eggs. But I can't stand mayo.