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Messages - bgalvao

Build Reports / Re: Chunk Chunk - My DIY
September 26, 2011, 03:06:21 PM
About the volume...well if I crank my volume up (way more than bedroom level) I have a small hiss...not noise just a little of background hiss (hard to explain. its not dead quiet). But I am using the 2N5457 and in order to get the gain I wanted they're a little pushed...maybe that helps I don't know.

Also the shielding is at the same potential as the ground...

The plan actually is to get a bigger enclosure and eliminate the wire crossings maybe that will help eliminate the hiss (I never hear any other pedal live so its hard to say if its as usual/better/worse)...

Thanks for the tip about the pads!

Build Reports / Chunk Chunk - My DIY
September 25, 2011, 12:03:24 PM
Well here are the pics of my first build not as good as I would've wished but it works...

Loved the process and lots of lessons learned, on painting, wiring, debugging next one will be better! And more lessons to be learned I am sure :) !

Gut looks weird but since I had wires crossing each other I had to shield them to reduce I works ok!

I will take it apart an do a new finish (harder this paint is too soft, I am going for prof lacquering process there's a guy close to work does it for like 5 bucks a piece...) and may do a better wiring when I reassemble it!

For is good enough to rock!!


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About using the testing rig with an audio probe I came up with something that might be helpful (probably some of you already do it/thought of it) instead of strumming my guitar I plugged my Ipod to the input so I don't need to move around and strum every 30 secs...probing became real easy and quicker...


Tech Help - Projects Page / Re: Chunk Chunk - No sound
September 18, 2011, 06:00:12 PM
Mgwhit you're correct I had them biased had 4.5V on the drains but wrote incorrectly(sorry)...
Just ended doing Jacob's test and found that had bad resistor connection...problem solved it's rockin!! Also one of the 5457's was on off, changed it now all ok!!

Next step box it!

Thanks for the help guys!!!
Tech Help - Projects Page / Chunk Chunk - No sound
September 18, 2011, 12:25:32 AM
Hello I have assembled a PCB of the Chunk chunk Pedal and I have no sound on the out put of the board.
Replacement parts used are the ones suggested in the manual here at madbeans. Used the transistors 2N5457, 2.2M resistor and so on...

So the first thing was to Bias all the 2N5457 to 4.5v on the drains (left most pin if flat face is facing me, correct?) measured against the ground on the board.

The I looked for bridges or bad soldering, soldering looked OK, and I think pots are correctly wired (can attach if you think it will help).

So as it still didn't work my second guess was to build a Beavis board (to rule out wiring) with an audio probe, and look around for the signal.

With the probe I got stuck. I get sound from the Gate of Q1 but no sound from the drain (I should get some sound here, correct?) I get 0V.

Is it a faulty Transistor? I replaced them...still the same... any Ideas?

Is it possible I am killing the transistor by some  problems else where, how can I test the transistor?

Thanks for the help.

PS. I am new to this building pedal thing although I did have some training in electronics a few years ago...although it is not helping me much :). Maybe can point me in the right direction :)