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Messages - Beedoola

Open Discussion / Re: Moonn Electronics shipping times?
September 28, 2024, 03:09:10 PM
I'll wait a few days to see if he replies. If not, I'm gonna have to file a dispute with PayPal. Wish him well if he is in a down play. We all struggle and the world as it is, is a tough place.
Open Discussion / Re: BYOC is shutting down
September 26, 2024, 04:23:13 AM
Sad. I think GGG was my first build but I did some on BYOC. Like Culturejam, I think I starting building kits around that time.
Open Discussion / Re: Moonn Electronics shipping times?
September 26, 2024, 04:21:32 AM
Unfortunately, still no word on this. Looks like the guy's IG hasn't been updated since 6/28. I've sent a few emails via the website and no reply.

Gonna have to file a claim with PayPal. Bummer.
Open Discussion / Moonn Electronics shipping times?
August 21, 2024, 11:35:46 PM
Anyone else buy from this vendor? I ordered 8/1 and got a confirm email but no updates on shipping and followed up with an email a few days ago to check on the status but no word. Curious if anyone else has had issues.
Open Discussion / online PCB manufacturer
October 05, 2023, 04:39:23 AM
I needed a one-off PCB made. I'm in the USA; anyone have recommendations for online places I can use to get it made?
I actually figured it out!

Basically the reverb output goes to the 4pdt to a center row lug. LPB-1 input on one side and on the other a bridge to the next row lug.

Next row over has the center lug going to the 3PDT output. LPB-1 output on one side and on the other is the other bridge from
The previous row.

So either way the 3PDT is always bypassing the whole thing and the 4pdt brings the lpb-1 in and out (with 4th row of lugs lifting the resistor on the reverb for 100% wet)

Hope that makes sense. If not  :o but it's working!
Thanks Jimmy but what that does is it leaves the LPB-1 in the signal all the time.

I need to have the LPB-1 brought into the signal path with the second footswitch.
So I have a 1776 RDD reverb and an EHX LPB-1 in a single enclosure.

3pdt switch I want to be the main bypass. There is also a 4pdt switch in there that I'm using to lift a resistor on the RDD and also bringing the LPB-1 into the path. My issue is I used the two circuits in one enclosure wiring and all that does is bring each circuit in and out individually.

What I need is for the 3dpt to bypass everything and the 4pdt is used to toggle between two channels basically: standard and fully wet (which has the LPB1 in the chain). Signal path order is RDD>LPB-1

How do I do this? Anyone got a diagram they could link?
Open Discussion / Re: Quality hookup wire
April 25, 2022, 09:29:38 PM
Cool, I got some wire spools from LMS
Open Discussion / Re: Quality hookup wire
April 25, 2022, 01:31:24 AM
It fits stripboards, right?
Open Discussion / Quality hookup wire
April 24, 2022, 09:10:34 PM
What are you using for your pedal builds? Stuff I have is 24 gauge stranded but after examining some prior builds, I've noticed issues with them not tinning as well or easily breaking if I have to remove the circuit for repair/modding later.
Open Discussion / Re: Whetstone kits
June 05, 2021, 04:18:22 AM
Quote from: drezdn on April 02, 2021, 01:04:16 PM
Anyone know what the DIV pad is for on the whetstone.

I have the same question. I didn't see it answered.
I have a box of resistors and caps that I have organized and use for builds but I haven't ordered anything on a large scale in years and need to replenish my stock.

Does anyone have a document/list they use as a reference for what to order?

If so, you mind sharing it? If it includes switches and stuff like that, that is awesome.
Open Discussion / Brown Burr OPA2134U - no longer made?
November 21, 2020, 11:54:39 PM
I was looking to get some SMD ones for my Line 6 DL-4. I can't seem to find any. I saw that Texas Instruments bought BB in 2000. Does this mean the chips are still being made and the same quality as before but now from TI?

If I google just "OPA2134U" I see a lot of results from China but are these low quality knock offs?

Quote from: benny_profane on June 30, 2020, 02:22:37 AM
Quote from: davent on June 30, 2020, 01:19:10 AM
'Herd immunity', has it been established there is immunity once having recovered from having Covid-19?

From the CDC website, updated June 28, 2020;

The immune response, including duration of immunity, to SARS-CoV-2 infection is not yet understood. Patients with MERS-CoV are unlikely to be re-infected shortly after they recover, but it is not yet known whether similar immune protection will be observed for patients with COVID-19.


You're right—there is no consensus regarding the adaptive immune response and much that is not yet fully understood. Remember that this is a novel pathogen and there's still much unknown. The cardiovascular impacts are particularly concerning.

I'm glad to see that folks (especially young people) here have an appreciation for the severity of this. With that said, though, the impacts of anxiety are important too. Be responsible and take care of yourself is the best advice. But, this is not over and the warm weather isn't going to make it disappear. The novel nature of the pathogen is more dominant than any environmental factor (i.e., this doesn't have the cyclical seasonal pattern of established infectious diseases because it is new to our innate immune response). However, the decrease in sustained, close indoor contact has a mitigating effect.

On a related note, yes there's a mutation in the virus. No, that doesn't mean anything in particular. Viruses copy themselves as they infect/spread. They're also not very good at it and copy errors are made. From a virus' perspective, it's most beneficial to become less virulent/lethal while becoming more infectious (think common cold rhinoviruses). They want to be able to spread without inconveniencing/killing those it infects. So, as news reports come out about 'mutations'—just as with everything else—that needs to be contextualized and studied before it really means anything.

Small rant: The world absolutely had the opportunity to contain and perhaps eradicate SARS-CoV-2. That we didn't is a massive failure. There is dwindling hope of that now. Even with a vaccine, the (almost certain) necessity of cold-chain supply and the trend of aversion to vaccines in middle- and high-income countries means that that won't be the final answer.

Here in the Bay Area I see the use of masks by young people as mixed. I find it interesting as I know some younger people (I'm 35, these people being in their early 20s) that were Bernie supporters but don't seem to get or care about masks.

I find the reluctance to wear masks akin to people that don't want to wear a bicycle helmet cause they think it makes them look uncool. This isn't to say anyone that doesn't wear a helmet does it for that reason.

Could be also the misinformation that is still lingering that CV19 only effects older people.