so after a little booze and settling down, i can understand where a lot of you guys are coming from. Youve done business with these folks before, you know them on a first name basis. I'm sure they have their hands full- running that kind of business and knowing which parts to supply etc and getting everyone's order straight has got to be mind numbing. On the other hand, it's nothing personal, it's business. I didnt go to college for applied physics or electrical engineering. I build pedals because it's fun, it's cheaper than paying for overpriced boutique crap (there are exceptions), and it's something that i can do as fast or as slow as i want. Having said that, if i pay money for something, it's gotta be right. I spent a few hours converting all the caps to uF from pico and nf, compiling the list of mats that madbean so graciously supplies us know THE's fun, i dont mind doing it. It's just really frustrating to have to put my build on pause because some guy in a warehouse didnt take 1.5 seconds extra per part and write the name of the thing he was putting in the baggy. Just frustrating is all. Am i gonna have to source parts from smallbear again? im sure i will...and im sure the small bear guy is a really nice guy. everyone in this building community seems to be (except me apparently )..but again, business is business. i paid for it. it should be right.
just my opinion.
just my opinion.