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Messages - micahdunn

Open Discussion / Re: A/b switch with effects loop
October 22, 2012, 09:08:30 PM
Awesome, I'll try it out. What would it take to add leds for the two? Thanks so much for all the help. I really appreciate it.
Open Discussion / Re: A/b switch with effects loop
October 20, 2012, 11:11:47 PM
Yeah, I want to run them separate. Just don't know how I would build that. I've built an ab switch, just had something to look at while I was doing it. Just don't know how complicated it is or how to do it.
Open Discussion / A/b switch with effects loop
October 20, 2012, 03:07:41 AM
So guys, looking for some info. I saw a video of a guy who built an ab switch with an effects loop. I am having to switch between acoustic and electrics when I plausibly I figured this would be a good build. Initially a true bypass looper with a b side. So I could run electric with drives through one part, and acoustic through the other, and run delays and reverbs and such through the loop so that they could be used with either. Any help would surly be appreciated.
General Questions / Re: Pcb etching
February 24, 2012, 02:34:48 AM
Thanks for all the help guys, I'll post pick after my first try. We'll see how it goes.
General Questions / Re: Pcb etching
February 22, 2012, 05:52:05 PM
Maybe somewhere. Thanks alot for the input though. I appreciate it.
General Questions / Re: Pcb etching
February 21, 2012, 07:35:50 PM
Thanks alot Dave. And yes I never have etched a board before. This really helps out alot. I appreciate the detail. Where do you get the copper sheets?
General Questions / Pcb etching
February 20, 2012, 05:04:03 PM
Hi people. I've done a few random DIY project now and figure it's time to expand my knowledge and am wondering of anyone can give me some pointers on making my own pcb's. I've done some research, but didn't help to much. Easy ways, what works, what doesn't, best places to buy stuff to use. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks alot.
thanks alot guys, i really appreciate all the help. God bless.
ok, ive done a few diy projects, but i just got my first madbeans project and im very excited about it. but im a little confused on some things about the components. its the firebomb, ok, first: what is a 100R resistor? i bought a multi pack and it has a 100 and a 100k, is it the 100?
second: where can i find a 100n capacitor? and i found a 10uF at ratshack but cant find them anywhere else. all i can find is mf and pf. is one of them the same as uF?
third: why is there a B and C after the pot values? somthing special? and whats the difference in liner and audio taper?
i apologize if these are things i should know but most of the projects i have completed were parts included. this is the first one where im collecting parts and im still learning what it all means. i appreciate any help.