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Messages - Haberdasher

Open Discussion / Re: Happy Birthday Brian
December 15, 2023, 07:47:31 PM
Happy birthday!
Build Reports / Re: Lectric-fx Panacea-Boss PN-2
December 11, 2023, 09:17:08 PM
Bad ass build & demo, dude!
The tweaker sounds pretty sweet on its own & works well with pedals, so I'm happy with it. I've also had it for quite some time now and I can use it without thinking too hard about anything, lol. Not getting rid of it any time soon. Plenty of good amps out there though!

I've toyed with the idea of an Orange 120W solid state head in years past. These days I've been gassing for something from Quilter but I'll talk myself out of buying in the end. I don't have a lot of extra splash right now, and truth is I just don't need any new gear. One of these days though...  :P
I got a tweaker 15 head that uses 6V6. I actually like it quite a bit.
I also have a wee ruby headphone amp I built that is very useful for close listening when setting trimmers and such.
Open Discussion / Re: NP/BP Electrolytic Caps
November 17, 2023, 07:13:20 PM
This is only for non-polar and bi-polar caps though, right? It would be really surprising if run-of-the-mill polarized caps were being ended.
Yo Dan

Nice to see you again!
Sounds like you're bouncing back nicely. I can relate some, since I don't smoke or drink anymore myself. Nearly 20 years now I think. Boy, do I wish I could have all the $$ back I blew on that stuff.
Wow, congrats on the lady friend. Nice going!
I have all the grind stuff. Let me know if you still need it and I can drop the whole zip file on ya.
Glad to hear things sound like they're improving. Best wishes.
That TL074 is a quad, so it should probably be something like this
1 - 1/2 Supply
2 - 1/2 Supply
3 - 1/2 Supply (Sometimes might be a little lower)
4 - Voltage Supply
5 - 1/2 Supply (Sometimes might be a little lower)
6 - 1/2 Supply
7 - 1/2 Supply
8 - 1/2 Supply
9 - 1/2 Supply
10 - 1/2 Supply (Sometimes might be a little lower)
11 - 0V (GND)
12 - 1/2 Supply (Sometimes might be a little lower)
13 - 1/2 Supply
14 - 1/2 Supply
Check out the data sheet and compare it to your schematic. You'll probably see what's going on pretty quickly.
Awesome, I was just looking into this myself to make a little project, but I'll leave it to you. It sounds like you already have help, but let me know if I can do anything.
I've been on Diptrace for years now and never going back to Eagle anyway. If I had to stop using DT for some reason I'd maybe look into KiCad. Haven't tried EasyEDA.
Open Discussion / Re: Jeff Beck has died
January 11, 2023, 11:57:13 PM
Oh wow, I hadn't heard.  RIP, Mr. Beck.
I was a big fan of Blow by Blow and Wired back in the day.  It was a little before my time but my guitar teacher did a good job of making me aware of a lot of good players. Jeff Beck was always held in high regard.
Kind of a poor man's Peak, but I use mine all the time!
I've got a cool thing called a MK-168 that was around $30.  If it broke, I'd definitely buy another one. And there are other similar gadgets out there.
Crazy-cool, brother!
Build Reports / Re: EHX EchoFlanger clone (Dandy Horse)
January 02, 2023, 04:37:49 PM
Quote from: Jondog on January 02, 2023, 04:17:36 PM
Hi, I'm going to attempt this build at some point, just ordered one. I was going over the documents and noticed on the schematic C46 and C47 are labelled as 1uF tantalum and on the bill of materials they are labelled as electrolytic. Is one better than the other in this spot? I was going to go with electrolytic. Thanks!
I think they used tantalums on the old originals- and that's probably why they're shown on the schematic- but it may have only been to save space. I used electrolytic on mine with no issues.