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Messages - toneboner

wow. that's really nice work! if i could have found a nice board like that i wouldnt have bothered making em myself.  the small bear one is nice and cheap ($1), but wasn't sure it would work with these projects.

thanks for all your responses!
Ben, thats it right there! My searches did'nt turn one up so i fired up MS paint... 

thanks for the 9+ explanation. Most of Beans boards have a spot for the LED and resistor so I'm still a little unsure of how to implement that. if someone would like to play with the drawing a bit - please, show me the light! 

here's a version with big pads and traces
jimilee, what do you find is the benefit from having 9+ on a 3pdt board? i always just take 9+from the jack right to the main pcb.  please elaborate, im a bit dense with these things
Wow! thats a sexy lil board. did you make that?
I hate wiring 3pdt 's . Saw a board on smallbear and thought it was a good idea. And being a champion of all things home-etch... 

Any changes to make? Errors? Your opinions and insight are valued. thanks!
Say, would it be possible to tune one of the octaves in this pedal to a different interval?
Nice site!  The article on input and output impedance just blew my mind . . . : : :
think I'll stick with your layout though...
General Questions / LowRider for home etch?
January 13, 2013, 04:31:11 PM
Is there such a thing? Couldn't find one...
Well, finally, metered voltages on the IC and it tested within spec (as per this thread:   SO, I upped r3 to 1M2 as per scotts suggestions above - haven't fooled with attack or release changes yet. And so far so GOOD. No more clipping!!!  Only sweet squish now...
Tech Help - Projects Page / Re: cupcake problem
January 10, 2013, 05:55:31 PM
I went thru it all with my cupcake... easiest build I had tackled to date, and the most problematic. It was a great learning experience but I much prefer my projects to work right out the gate! I ended up having a bad stomp switch, a bad 1n34a, and wrong value for r10 which sets attack time.

check this out for some great advice from oldhousescott:

I was ready to give up on the damn thing and left it alone for a while to work on other projects. Even went as far as gathering bits for a second build. But eventually the answers came. (actually, had to probe it like a horny alien...)
General Questions / Low Rider available as self etch?!
January 09, 2013, 04:01:30 AM
yes? no?! (don't say no...)
1st of all, this is a badass pedal as it is.  Lately, Ive been wondering if it's possible to tweak for a stronger octave effect.  I thought there might have been a thread re: the subject, but search didn't turn it up. 
Any ideas???

found this quote apparently from Zexy himself: "We used to see O***ne pedals that sounded great but had no octave-up when the wrong value resistor was installed feeding the base of one of the transistor pairs used to generate the octave. That's the simplest part you can remove to get rid of the octave. On the schematic I've got here at home, R11 or R10 (right after the phase splitter) would be your two choices. I don't have an actual circuit board here to make sure that the values have traveled safely all the way from my original schematic to the final board design in recent years... I'd have to check that at the shop later, so feel free to write to me there later today if you can't verify that those two resistors are feeding the transistor pair's bases. Not all of the parts on the Oc***e board are marked with numbers because of space limitations."

So if the wrong value resistors eliminate the octave, could a different value in the other direction pronounce it?

as always, thanks for the feedback!
Haven't checked in here for a while... VERY THANKFUL to see some replies (and to see I'm not the only screwup!)  Will do some more debugging as per the tech help sticky tomorrow...
Kind of funny.  All my madbean builds so far - Sunking, Pork Barrel, DeadRinger, Silverfox, Neutrino, Pointdexter (except for reversing all the transistors, doh!)  - have gone off without a hitch and worked perfect from 1st plug in.  Cupcake is easily the simplest build and I'm having some problems hopefully the hive mind here will help me solve! 

1st: I can bias the circuit ok with the trimmer, get some good compression or back off for a bit less - but it seems at any setting i get a clipping like distortion mostly on lower notes.  sounds almost like my cupcake is trying to overdrive!  This also occurs at any level setting as well, which brings me to...

2nd: The level control (yes, a 10k B) starts getting really LOUD to the point where its boosting way past original bypassed levels when turned up, even half way up. 

maybe the two are related?
thanks for helping,
possible typo or part substitution, but the 24k mentioned looks like a 2k4 (R5) in the cupcake build...
i'm not super keen with how all these thingees work but seems like that will have a big influence on what that 2nd fet is doing and perhaps on the range of the trimpot as well. could be why the trim has such a small effective range?

way out of my element here. suppose i'll have to grab my iron and meter and do some tinkering