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Messages - Jazzman

Thanks guys! Much appreciated!  8)
Not sure if this post should be in the tech help or mods section but here goes:
Just wondering if anyone has seen a diagram for installing a circuit pre/post switch so for example, you could place a boost circuit in front of an overdrive for more gain or after it for a level boost???
Cheers guys!  ;D
Quote from: madbean on May 03, 2013, 12:40:38 PM
It's for R15 (100R) and R16 (10k) at the outputs.

Thanks Bean, that was quick!
Hi all, smallbear sell a 10k/100Ohm carbon comp resistor set specifically for upgrading the TS. Just wondering which 10k resistor this is supposed to be on the Green Bean build?  ???
Quote from: oldhousescott on March 06, 2012, 10:10:53 PM
You could wire everything right to the switch. Remove the diodes D1 and D3 just from the round pads. Leave them connected at the square pad (cathode) end. Attach flying-lead wires to go to your new DPDT (on-off-on) clipping switch as shown in the attached diagram. Add the LEDs as shown as well.

Thanks oldhousescott, this is probably more the option that I'm after. Cheers!

Oh, one more thing... what would you guys recommend for the LEDs???
Tech Help - Projects Page / Re: Cupcake tone
March 07, 2012, 12:11:33 AM
Thanks Jacob... yeah, that's the sound... Great on single coils but to me I still think it shaves a tiny bit of top end off humbuckers especially. With my build I stacked 2 4558's and this thing seems to have a fair bit of cleaner headroom, but all voltage readings seem to be correct. Still gets gritty when all the way up
Hi all, I'm about to start my serendipity board and was wondering is it possible to include a 3 position switch to do the diode/LED/lift thingy? If so, what would I need to make this happen, and how would I do it... (essentially I'm after the Zenkudo flavour of Zendrive)
Hey, this really helps... thanks 3secondrule!  ;D
Tech Help - Projects Page / Cupcake tone
March 06, 2012, 11:27:39 AM
Hi guys, really liking the cupcake but I've never actually heard an orange squeezer to compare it to... I'm told the classic Knopfler tone is in part to the OS. Anyway, my build sounds like the top end has been shaved off a little, so was wondering if there's anyway to add some brightness back into it? A mod, or even adding a tone control?  ???
Hi guys, just wondering if there's a way to do the diode/LED/none clipping switch on the serendipity?  ???
Yeah, was a squeal, but it's magically disappeared????  Can't complain... ha ha Cheers anyway mgwhit
Hi all, just after some advice with the chunk chunk board I've just built. This is my 2nd Chunk Chunk to date - built for a mate as a trade for a Fernandez Sustainer kit. Anyway, used shielded wire this time for the board in and out, as well as switch in and out... definately worth it... cleans up so much of the noise! I've used a simple 100ohm + 100uf cap on the DC jack as power filtering. And biased all the jfets to 4.25v, then reduced trimmer 1 untill the oscillation went away (with the vol and gain all the way up). The pedal works fine on a battery, however when I plugged the 9v wall adapter in the pedal squeals... Just wondering what should the next step be? Do I need to re-bias? What would cause the noise when it's generally quiet from the battery? Thanks for your help, guys.  ;)
Tech Help - Projects Page / Chunk Chunk voltages
July 30, 2011, 05:16:19 AM
Hey all, yet another question... After posting some questions in another section regarding the overall background noise of the Chunk Chunk build it has come to my attention that some of this can be removed by turning back the trimmers. I guess it has to be done by ear, but I should probably ask what are the minimum voltage readings on the jfet drains that I can get away with? Anybody tried this method? Did you take readings? Thanks to everybody who's helped me!
Thanks heaps, guys. Much appreciated!  ;D