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Messages - delus

Tech Help - Projects Page / Re: Aquaboy's Buffer
December 13, 2011, 09:36:04 PM
Andy, I'm pretty sure I got the right values. I triple check at least, before soldering a component, and that's one reason why every build takes too much time for me to finish.

Jacob, thanks a lot, man! I just thought maybe the wires should be a shorter, or maybe the output should have been grounded with a wire instead of directly to the enclosure.

Aaron, it is kind of cool the way it smoothes the fuzz face, but the cleans I want them nice and bright! Well, with more than three pedals in the chain a buffer is always a must, so it won't be much of a problem anyway.

Thanks again,

Tech Help - Projects Page / Re: Aquaboy's Buffer
December 13, 2011, 12:03:12 PM
I'll try and experiment with the value of C35 and C1. But why do you suggest those modifications, hoyager? Did you actually notice a similar issue like me? Also does fine tuning the bbd voltage have any impact on the frequency response of the dry signal? I thought it would affect only the repeats (wet signal).

I have also noticed that on certain complex effects, even the wiring is critical and has an impact on the overall noise/hum. Perhaps there's something about my wiring that cuts some of the high freqs. Maybe a gut pic would help?

Thank you very much, people!


Tech Help - Projects Page / Re: Aquaboy's Buffer
December 12, 2011, 12:30:16 PM
None, only R19, which I used what I had handy, I don't remember excactly somewhere between 1.2K to 1.8K, in order to get my voltage around 7-8V. I don't suppose expirementing with the trimmer pots would make any difference on the dry signal, would it?
I made a brief search and found some transistors with the same pinout as the MPSA18. What if I substitute Q1 with 2N3904, or 2N5088, or even BC108?
Tech Help - Projects Page / Aquaboy's Buffer
December 12, 2011, 11:16:11 AM
Has anyone noticed the following?
The Aquaboy (V3205 version) when on cuts some of the high frequencies of the dry signal. This is easily audible when using a fuzz face before the delay and cranking the gain, but it's also audible on a clean signal too, only a bit more difficult to hear.
I noticed it yesterday, so I took out my Carbon Copy to see if the same thing happened, but it didn't. It made the dry signal sound just a tiny bit louder. So I figured it must be a buffer thing.
Next I put the RC Booster before the Aquaboy, set to unity gain so it would act like a buffer instead of a booster, and it worked. When the Aquaboy was turned on it no longer cut any high frequencies from the dry signal.

So does anyone have an idea how we could improve the input buffer on the Aquaboy? Could we substitute the MPSA18 for another transistor? Or anything that would help keep the dry signal as "clean" as possible?

General Questions / Re: Powering Warhead & Dirtbag
December 05, 2011, 08:29:59 AM
OK I'll give it a shot then, thanks!
General Questions / Powering Warhead & Dirtbag
December 04, 2011, 10:46:57 AM

I'm planning on building the Warhead Vibe and the Dirtbag Delay, the 3005 version (I recently ordered the board for the latter). The thing is I don't have a proper power supply at the moment but I was thinking how useful a T-Rex Fuel Tank Chameleon would be?
Brian suggests in the Warhead document that a 200mA wall wart is required for powering the pedal, while the Fuel Tank can provide 150mA on the 18V output. Is this enough power? How much current does the Warhead draw?
I was also thinking that the 18V output would be adequate for powering the dirtbag, provided that I properly regulate the pedal's power input with a voltage regulator, pretty much the same way that the Warhead's power input is regulated. I'm pretty sure the Dirtbag won't draw more than 30mA, but will I still be able to power both the Dirtbag and the Warhead at the same time from the 18V output of the Fuel Tank Chameleon?


Open Discussion / Re: First Names - we all got em.
December 04, 2011, 10:21:29 AM

My name is Adam, I live in Greece.