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Messages - MIYTADJ

here is the build docs
also I don't understand sw1. It's purpose I mean. Looks like a cutoff switch or bypass
nor do I know how to bias using resistors only trimmers have I used
Yes I do it's in the Orifice build docs.
Oh so happy to report ....that after 100's of builds I still manage to fuck up. I had 150 ohm in R7 instead of 100k
The pedal worked but not as intended. I also found a broken lead for c32 replaced that and we're in business. It doesn't sound quite as beefy and chunky as on the vids I've seen.
  I'm wondering since I had 150 ohms in r7 and got a light overdrive put in the called for 100k and got some smooth distortion so I'm thinking what if I upped it to say 110k or even 120K to coax out all the chunky goodness this circuit has to offer.
 Hey Madbean thanks once again for another fantastic layout. Hope you got yours up and running. Got my 2n1306's from Small Bear.
I finally got 2 2n1306 transistors for this and....... it still only does a light overdrive. Only slightly more than having 2n1304 in there. I've triple checked all values and checked for solder bridges , touched up solder joints I thought might be dodgy and the only mod was I'm missing the switch that is under the gain mode switch. I have 2 wire soldered in and twisted together. Don't think that would cause any issues but I don't know for sure.
  Hoping to hear something soon from the Bean himself.
  How about it Mr. Madbean have you finished your orifice build yet ?
OK an update (but not much of one) on my build. I finally found and ordered the right transistors for this build from small bear. I will post my findings once they arrive and get installed.

almost 3 years working on getting this pedal to work. Thank you again madbean. I'm counting the minutes until it gets here (probably a week)
I keep checking here, Madbean for any news or update on your Orifice build. Have you gotten any further or completed it.

  Any ideas for possible subs for 2n1306?
Tech Help - Projects Page / Re: MadBean Orifice (Openhaus)
September 16, 2024, 03:39:04 AM
  I have a question for you about the orifice. Would 2n1308 ( a higher gain than 1306 ) work with this circuit?  I know I can Socket and see but rather than spend 20 bucks for 2 transistors and plus shipping I figured I'd ask first. But just going off the fact the 1308 is more gain than 1306 (in my head I think well if 1306 makes it sound that chunky and crunchy more gain more crunch but with my limited knowledge I do know that's not always the case (the more gain more crunch thought)So I thought maybe you could shed some light on that question before I buy them.
  Cause I did have some 2n1304 I tried and I only got a mild overdrive.

Thanks for your time and layouts
Tech Help - Projects Page / Re: MadBean Orifice (Openhaus)
September 12, 2024, 05:33:17 AM
Thank you for the reply Madbean I do appreciate it
Can I ask what transistors you are trying to use currently? I can't wait til your build is done looking forward to everything you've got to say about this pedal. I've been working on building a working one for a loooong time now and your layout was the only one I got to work. so very much appreciated.
 once I got mine to work it was put on back burner until I too could get the proper transistors
  I built Sabrotones Lighthaus which I found to be an incredible sounding overdrive. I used 2n2369a in it which worked great even though it calls for 2n1306. I tried to use them in the Orifice build and got nothing (maybe I put them the wrong orientation) Would you know why those might not work? Pretty sure theyre a totally different type of transistor. Just curious.

Anyways thanks again and waiting anxiously to hear back
I know this is an old post but what the hell giving my 2 cents anyways hopefully you got it worked out by now   
  I unfortunately don't know why you are getting hum BUT I can tell you that using diffused LED's will lessen the effect as that's what I've got in mine and I get very very very little tremolo and no phasing at all just saying so you won't waste your time on that.
Tech Help - Projects Page / Re: Kingmaker
August 27, 2024, 06:21:53 PM
Thank you both for your replies. My power supply seems to be working fine when checked maybe a little on the low side of it's stated output voltage , which (if I'm correct ) once plugged in would drop down a little more in voltage.... (maybe but not positive on that ) but going further on that possibility if that is the case maybe it's not able to supply what the circuit needs but I'm guessing it's more likely something with my layout
   Side note : I have no stripboard and take strip board layouts and rework them to etch on copper clad with almost 100% success trying to eliminate as many jumpers as I can and if possible shrink down the board size.

No it's not a madbean layout I was just looking for some help and/or info and posted this on a few different blogs
   I know pics are a big help but I kinda purposely did'nt post pics because I'm outta work at the moment and I cannibalize circuit boards I find for parts in my builds having to solder cut-off leads to parts I want to use and that makes the build look really really ugly and I assumed that would be the first thing everyone would focus on rather than my questions. I've done this on a few smaller builds with success. but this one is pretty big. I built probably over 200 circuits that I've etched and 70-80 store bought pcb's but not one flanger so went on a quest looking for one I could build with supplies on hand. Oddly I find very few DIY layouts for flangers my thought was that they're a bit more complicated to build and maybe not as easy to layout for DIY'ers to do but that's just my guess.
  If you think pictures would help I could try and get a few up probably help posting my changed layout with the original as there could be a possibility of a mistake when I redrew it

 So for right now I'll do that and get some pics of mine as soon as I can.
Again thanks guys for your time I really appreciate the help.

P.S. my knowledge of electronics is for shit . I do try and educate myself but it's extremely slow going and there is a lot I just can't grasp BUT following directions I can do just fine with which is why I use others hard work on layouts to build and have had a great time and many more successes than failures which keeps me building as many ans as often as I can. I know I'll never stop building pedals no matter how much my wife tells me "Don't you think you have enough pedals?" or "That's all you do what about me?".
 I never hear my pedals say that about her

I apologize to anyone if by doing so crossed some lines . There other blogs that seem to allow help for basically any build from anyone and assumed this to be the same.

AND I was just getting ready to upload my layout pic but only see an option to "insert an image " which asks for a URL how do I upload a pic saved on my desktop?
Tech Help - Projects Page / Kingmaker
August 26, 2024, 06:14:07 PM
I recently etched my own for this one. I used the mn3207/mn3102 combo. Unfortunately I have no TL062 and no TL022. What I did have is lm358 and some lm1458n's. I used the layout below.
  For iC1 and IC2 I used a 1458 and IC5 a LM358. Are these IC's even usable in this circuit. With my limited knowledge and a bit of research I know they are used in some LFO circuits so I had hoped just maybe. But no luck. Audio tracing I do get a Faint signal at the output. But taking voltage measurements I get nothing even close to what is listed in the Kingmaker build docs. Most readings in the mV region so I think I obviously have some more to troubleshoot but am I wasting my time if I'm using the wrong IC's?
  And would the set up be the same as stated in the build docs IF I can use them?
Hi I was wondering if you had finished your prototype and if so how it turned out AND if there is anything you could share about it. My build has been just sitting in it's bag basically cause of no funds to order those transistors.
 Did you or were you able to try any other trannies for your build?

Thanks for the reply and the help by the way I really appreciate it . People taking their own time to read about my problem builds and trying to help are very cool people
So.......nothing huh?
  Hoping SOMEONE aside from me built this one.

If SOMEONE has built this I would appreciate ANY info on their build. Mods , build reports, ideas or even "Hey shut up and get over it and move on".
  But alas I could and would not move on or get over it I'm determined to get this one working properly.
 Quick question to ANYBODY who can answer it. Would ANYBODY know why 2n2369a would work wonderfully in my( I think it was Sabrotone's layout then Effectslayout blogspot did one which I made that one) Lighthaus build (it is out of 200 builds one of my all time favorite overdrives) and not work in the Openhaus?
 I assume it's because it's a lighter version of the original and having less parts made it possible?

 Anyways here's hoping SOMEONE will chime in

Thanks forum for all your shared wisdom