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Messages - Mkstewartesq

I have a calibration question around the Current Lover 2023; this is a build for a friend and I'm not that familiar with the underlying pedal or with flangers in general:

As background, I'm running this at 18 V using the 3007 chip.

For the clock trim pot, I took MadBean's suggestion in another thread and used a 20 K trim pot rather than a 10 K trim pot.  The instructions are to start with the pot set at 1/3 and adjust it to the point just before you hear any chirps at the peak of the flange sweep.

But as I go through the sweep, I'm not hearing anything that I would characterize as a "chirp" – the tonality definitely changes and the tone gets more metallic and pitch shifted as I go through the sweep - and there's even bit of an ascending and descending nasally whine at points – but not anything I would characterize as a chirp even when I take the trimpot to 100%. Does anyone have a sound sample or reference for the "chirp" that I should be listening for so I can set the trim pot to just before that chirp kicks in? Or any other guidance to get this pot dialed in correctly?

Alternatively, other guidance for properly setting the clock? I did see the instructions in the other thread about setting the clock speed frequency to where it should be - but I don't have an oscilloscope. I do have a DMM that measures frequency but I'm not sure how in this particular circuit to make that work to get the reading (i.e., where to place the DMM leads, etc.)

