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Messages - Minkifar

Hi everyone,

I've tried to build my first PCB pedal, Into The Unknown, a synth pedal from Parasite Studios.
It took quite a while, but i just finished it today. Well thats what i thought.

Im having a little hard time troubleshooting where i've gone wrong, so i hope somebody here might have a solution based on my information.

I've tried plugging my new pedal trough to my Linepod GO from Line 6.
Guitar > Pedal > Linepod go.
The LED's are both on and i can hear some "background" synth waveish, and i can even change the noise by turning up and down on the "Rate" and the volume via "Level" knobs. I can here the flickering aswell, while changing the LFO and Octave switches in top.
But nothing from guitar is coming through... i can bypass it by using the tuner and it picks up the signal?
I even tried using a different pedal between to check if the cables are all good.

Might be a long shot and some lack information, but it cluld might be a common issue somebody could explain to me?

So TL:DR; LED's on, signal is coming through While bypass, and i can here the pedal working adjustning the knobs, but it wont pick up my guitar playing?

Thanks in advance!