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Messages - Zodd42

Requests / Re: Off Board Wiring 3PDT
April 01, 2010, 12:53:19 AM

This version doesn't work for the LED.
I've have three other people give me three other diagrams and none of them work
I'll upload a pic after I get home from work . . . . :-[
Just completed my Zombii.
She doesn't work.
Wired according to specs from the PDFs.

Plugged it in and got nothing.  Hit the switch and I heard some fuzz sound when I strummed the guitar, however, it sounded like it was very far away, like down the street.  Cranked the amp and pedal, same.  So it's there, just not proper volume control.

Kick the effect off and there's nothing again, no bypass. 
Requests / Re: Off Board Wiring 3PDT
March 30, 2010, 11:05:47 AM
Thanks, I'll try it.
Requests / Re: Off Board Wiring 3PDT
March 28, 2010, 02:53:17 AM
Thanks Madbean.
Which ones mentioned at the front page of the site?
Requests / Off Board Wiring 3PDT
March 27, 2010, 02:16:05 PM
Looking for a definitive 3PDT switch off board wiring diagram that is universal.  I've tried three now and none of them work.  I've checked my soldering very carefully and it's fine.  I don't know enough about wires and the switch to make intuative changes or corrections.

Also looking for the Zombii Fuzz OBW diagram.

Please help!