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pm sent :) thanks for the kind offer!!!
ordered from a little marking on the transistor bag would have been nice to warn about the different layout. since i would assume a pre packed kit comes with the correct parts, or at least interchangeable parts without having an issue like this... but ultimately it's my fault for not doing a proper check. still i'm pretty pissed :D

thanks a lot for your help mat :)
yea, i did put in sockets, but i already cut the transistors so bending and inserting them isn't possible. maybe i'm too braindead, but since pin 2 would be in the same spot if i'd just flip them i assume i'd run into problems according to the layouts of the transistor legs :/

edit: i just checked the pdf & build notes and it does call for 2SC828 transistors. my kit came with the 2N3904 transistors so i guess i'm screwed :D
2SC828   1 - emitter   2 - collector   3 - base
2N3904   1 - emitter   2 - base   3 - collector
thanks a lot! so since only pin 2 & 3 are reversed i can't just flip them, right? how do i go about this??

anyway, here are some pics too... note: i already had to pull it from it's case, had it solder multiple times so it's in a bit of a rough shape :D loose wires you see are connected via alligator clips to their destination while testing...(taken apart for taking fotos)

hi all, first time builder & poster here.

i just finished my first pedal and i've run into problems, so i'll include a link to the schematic for you:

unfortunately i don't get any sound out of it. i checked all parts, orientation & wiring, made sure the board gets its voltage and the footswitch & bypass work correctly. LED is working too...

so i build myself an audio probe and started poking around and follow the audio path - turns out i don't get very far! the audio signal is lost at the 2nd leg of the R1 resistor. now if i pull out all transistors except Q1 i can follow the signal with my probe until the collector of Q2 but the moment i put in a second transistor the audio is gone. so i guess i'm loosing my signal to ground somewhere in that area... i spent hours looking around but i can't seem to figure out where it's happening.

i didn't use any substitute parts, and the only difference to the original is that the kit came with 2N3904 transistors...

if you need some photos or a list of voltages at various locations let me know and it will be here a.s.a.p.

thanks all in advance & have a nice sunday :)
maybe some of you can steer me in the right direction