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Messages - Twilt

Well...turned out to be the damned switch  >:(
Just soldered in a fresh one...and BLAMO!  WE HAVE CHORUS!
Pork Barrel sounds AWESOME!

This is the 2nd or 3rd bad switch from this batch.  The rest of them are now in the trash!

Thanks for your patience and all your help, thomasha!
Much appreciated!

When I get home this evening, i am going to replace the footswitch.  I have suspected it all along because it's of the cheap variety and I've run into problems with them before....being way too sensitive to heat.
I will report back tonight.
With the BBD intact, it definitely changes speed.  Depth also works bc it does intensify the signal.

The rate LED doesnt impact the audio signal, does it?  I ask bc throughout my trouble shooting, the LED is not mounted.
Also, i removed the Mix pot to take thst out of the equation.
Ok.   So, with the BBD removed and all other chips intact, all I get is nice clean signal, whether engaged or in bypass.  Signal is a little louder in bypass though, which I suspect is normal.

With all chips removed, it is still a nice clean signal.  Again, just louder in bypass.

FYI, all the distortion/buzz I was getting while using my audio probe was because I had the gain maxed out on my interface :o  oops!
That has since been adjusted and no more distortion.
So without all the interference from too much gain and with all the chips in place, the oscillation sounds more like a cop car siren than whales mating  ;D

Thanks thomasha.

Yep, all the IC's are socketed.
I will walk though those steps this evening and report back.  Thanks again!

Maybe "buzz" was the wrong word to use. Loud Distorted chorus is more what I'm hearing over top of the faint signal when engaged.

In bypass everything is crystal clear.

Working through the schematic, all grounds have continuity.

Including pin 4 of TL062, pin 3 of 3102, pin 1 of 3307 and pin 4 of 4558.

Just sat down with the audio probe.
When pedal is engaged, i can hear a VERY faint signal underneath the MUCH louder "buzzy chorus effect".  It does not change from R1 to the output.  Checked a couple of points in between with the same result.

Im wondering if it's the switch?  Seems a bad switch would either work or not.
This seems more like a bad component of some sort.

But, that's why i'm here.  Im experienced in building these, but dont know much other than how to solder and follow the build docs lol.

Thanks for chiming in thomasha.

Yeah, I used the 2019 build docs.
BBD is MN3207 Clock is MN3102.

I have not audio probed it yet.  I have one, just haven't gotten to it yet.
Hi all.  First Madbean build, first issue, first post.

The pedal works perse.  I have guitar signal when bypassed, status LED lights when engaged, rate indicator LED responds to rate adjustments.
  However, when pedal is engaged, no guitar signal passes, only a weird midrange oscillation.  Also, the rate indicator LED remains lit even when in bypass.


IC 1
1=4.5      8=9.19
2=4.5      7=4.5
3=4.5      6=4.5
4=0         5=4.5

IC 2
1=0          8=3.74
2=4.26     7=3.74
3=3.72     6=4.24
4=8.2       5=8.78

IC 3
1=8.78      8=8.2
2=4.24      7=2.9
3=0           6=8.4
4=4.26       5=.32

IC 4
1=.14~.79   8=9.19
2=4.3~4.8   7=2.8~6.8
3=1.6~6.7   6=4.78
4=0             5=4.4~4.7






A few of the reading don't match up with the ones in the build doc's.  Possible a few of the build doc readings are backwards? (i.e. Q1 & IC 2)

Any ideas on where to go from here?
