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Messages - notanelectricalengineer

Little update: With the new jack, the whole pedal works! I'm never buying a metal jack again haha. I appreciate everyone's help in the matter.
That'd be great because it would probably get here sooner than any website would ship.
Would this jack work?
I read 9V when measuring the power supply, but when I plug it into the jack, the power coming from the jack is -9V, would this be the issue?
The power supply I'm using is positive on the outside and ground on the inside. I use it to power a looper I have and it works fine.
Its a 9V power supply coming in, and I'm getting 9V on the anode of D3, but the cathode of D3 reads ~60mV. I tested D3 using a multimeter and it seems to work, but maybe its restricting too much voltage from going on to the rest of the circuit.
Yeah its a 1N5817. I appreciate the help!
I have continuity along my power traces, but not between any point on the power traces and ground.
I just tested the diode and I'm getting 0.18V through the diode in the right direction and nothing in the other direction. There isn't any continuity between any of the mentioned points and ground. Only the grounded points on the PCB have connection with ground, which is as expected. Still unable to find any shorts in the circuit.
I don't have 9V on each side of D3. The negative end of D3 has the same reading as pin 3 on Q5. The solder joints look fine as far as I can tell. Some joints have a yellowish color to them and I'm wondering if that's an issue. I've attached a picture; the red circle is one that has the yellowish tint and the blue circle is one that does not.
The positive side of D3 is 61.8mV and the negative side is 9V. Pin 8 for TL072 is not reading 9V and the rest are reading similar to what I said earlier in the post. So from what I understand, I have the wrong jack?
Yes from what I can tell
Sorry for the late response. Busy weekend.
Pin 3 for Q5 is 54.6mV
Oh and #1 for LM13700 seems to not sit still. It climbs from ~30 to ~120 mV from what I can tell.
From what I can tell there are no bridges.

Voltages (all in mV):
TL072: 1) 27.7 2) 27.8 3) 27.8 4) 0 5) 27.8 6) 28.0 7) 23.5 8) 56.3
LM13700: 1) 2) 124.6 3) 30.0 4) 30.2 5) 18.6 6) 0 8) 53.0 11) 57.0 (The PDF says to ignore 7, 9, 10, 12, 13, 14, 15 and 16)

I've attached a couple pictures. Let me know if you need more or if I should zoom in somewhere.