Actually, the R16 thing did the trick. I used a regular 10k pot, with an 8k2 resistor soldered on the wiper, so the range goes from 8k2 to 18k2. I just turned that pot while the range is at minimum, and listened to where I wanted the minimum to be. Changing R16 to 13K (same as the R17 value for the dry signal) works great. At 8k2, my guess is that since the wet signal is louder, the top of the modulation overtakes the dry signal. I'm not totally sure why I even had to do this in the first place, I'm using 2 Cornish buffered muffs into a Kemper, which is probably a different sonic environment than most people are using. Now to fix my 18v Colorsound with the charge pump... I've tried a MAX1044, and a 7660S-CPAZ, and both are still giving me clock noise on the flanger. Guess I have to ditch the charge pump and just use an 18v adapter. Thanks!