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Messages - aj_chicago

Open Discussion / Re: What's up with Ebay???
December 30, 2020, 12:58:59 AM
Quote from: lars on December 29, 2020, 06:40:57 AM
Quote from: HootyHoo on December 29, 2020, 06:32:35 AM

An answer on an Ebay-run forum is hardly going to implicate that something is actually messed up with Ebay. "It's your computer" is what they will always say. Yep, my locked-down Linux machine has Windows malware.

And yes, I am running the latest version of Firefox and have the Incognito Adblocker running. I like the Incognito app since it's the only one that seems to actually block a lot of garbage and those stupid auto-play videos that tons of sites have.
I guess Ebay punishes Incognito users by trying to dump them into some russian hacker alternate universe? I just hit the back button and everything seems fine after that.

I have Incognito Adblocker off (all day today) and my problem went away. For months it was consistently redirecting me every 1st time of the day, and every few hours. Now things are normal. I like Incognito, too. Dang!
Open Discussion / Re: What's up with Ebay???
December 29, 2020, 04:39:10 AM
This is the only thread ANYWHERE that discusses what I see happening so I am replying to an old thread for some info. I see the same redirect to "" domain with the message "К сожалению данный материал обрабатывается, попробуйте позднее." which I assume is Russian. This only happens when using Firefox browser with addons activated. I am curious, Lars, what addons you are using inside Firefox. I have a suspicion the problem is with one of the ad blockers. I have Ad Block Plus, Ghostery, and Incognito Adblocker, and Google Analytics Blocker all going. No particular reason, but was just trying them out wondering if they would all run together and if they blocked the same things. The answer is they can all run together, but they don't all block the same things. Wondering if you have any of these ad blocker addons installed. I can use other browsers without a problem. It only happens with Firefox. What's really weird it that it always happens when opening an eBay item url from within Mozilla Thunderbird email and usually only the first time for the day or in a few hours, then after it happens once it doesn't happen again for hours. Werid. It's always a redirect to "" with that Russian message and the Firefox tab icon is a red dot with a lower case "e" in it. Weird. Let me know. Maybe we can get to the bottom with trial and error on the addons.