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Messages - afrogoose

Woah.  Thank you for the quick reply!

So I removed Q2 and Q3 and here are the new volateges

C  -7.73
B  -1.52
E  -1.43

B and E look good but C is way off.  What does that mean?

Here is a pic
Hi Everyone,

I've just finished my Pastyface build (tone bender).  Thanks Madbean for the awesome PCB!!  I'm having some trouble though.  It's not really fuzzing out.  Even with the fuzz knob cranked and the internal trimmer maxed out there's really no clipping.  When the fuzz knob is below halfway there is no output.  The volume and tone pots seem to be working as expected.  Here are my voltages.  The IC voltages look good but the GE trannies look all wrong.

1. 9.2
2. 5.43
3. 0
4. -3.72
5. -9.14
6. 4.38
7. 5.77
8. 9.2

C  -.14
B  -.22
E  -.13

C  -.14
B  -.13
E  -.14

C  -.63
B  -.1
E.  0

I used the transistors from a previous GGG tone bender build.  Is it possible I damaged the transistors desoldering them?  On this build I put them in sockets.

I appreciate any insight/help anyone has!!!  Thank you in advance!!