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Messages - Loki65

Quote from: 4stringphuzz on October 09, 2020, 09:12:58 PM
I'm not sure if your build used 9mm pots, but if so, here's a source:

They have Audio Taper 5k pots as an option. I hope this helps.  :D

Oh, crap, the Zombii board requires the compact right-angle connections and the ones in the link and elsewhere on their site are snap on.  I'll keep searching.  Thanks!

Quote from: mauman on October 09, 2020, 11:56:53 PM
Yeah, stick with the 5K but go with the Audio (A) taper.   I use Audio taper for most every output volume pot, even when the spec calls for B taper (linear), the Audio taper just aligns with how our ears work.   Mike

I'm leaning that lesson with several pedals.  I am switching out linear for audio in a Poindexter (Zvex Octane) clone as we speak.  Great great circuit but has the same problem of going 0-100 in a tiny turn.  Agreed, audio is the way to go for volume.
Quote from: 4stringphuzz on October 09, 2020, 09:12:58 PM
I'm not sure if your build used 9mm pots, but if so, here's a source:

They have Audio Taper 5k pots as an option. I hope this helps.  :D

Thanks for the link!!!
Greetings everyone.  Semi-new member.  I used to be here under a different name way back but haven't been here for a while.  I built a Zombii back in 2011 (not to mention a Pasty Face, Poindexter, Double Flush, a couple Big Muffs, a Rangemaster.  I liked the sound of the Zombii but didn't like the way the volume knob with the linear taper went from zero to unity gain in about a 2 degree turn so it sat unused. Recently I was drawn back to the pedal and wondered if swopping in an audio taper knob in place of the linear one might make the volume more usable. Unfortunately while removing the original pot I boogered up some traces on the board in the process. Those style pots are hard to remove!!!

My hope is to remove all the components and put them back in a new "repro classic" board provided by Haberdasher.  But before I do, perhaps you might save me the trouble: 

I couldn't find a 5kB *AUDIO pot on Small Bear to replace the 5kB linear pot.  The closest I could find is a 10kB audio taper.  Any idea if I could sub a 10kB audio for the 5kB Linear in and get a more gradual taper for volume?  If not, there's no sense going thru this exercise if a 10kB won't work properly. 

Other suggestions are welcome!  For example, perhaps I could add a resistor somewhere in the circuit to reduce overall output?