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Messages - Stratosfear

I'm building a Slow Loris (2015 PCB - not the brand new one) which I was planning on doing with one diode on either side, similar to Keeley's Mighty Mouse Mod. I've built it up with 1  1N914 on one side and 1 LED on the other.

Everything seems to be working correctly but I'm not hearing any difference between when I switch back and forth.  Two questions that I was wondering that I haven't seen addressed in other forum posts:

- In hooking up one diode I have left the other pads open (not jumped) - Is this the correct approach? Does it matter which diode position I have the single diode in and which is open? [ Currently I have the LED in D2 with D1 open and I have the 1N914 in D5 with D4 open. ]

- When toggling back and forth, I would assume that with the switch set to the single LED that the LED would light up when playing like a normal two LED situation? [ Currently the LED is not lighting which is part of what has me second guessing how I've wired the single diodes. ]

Any help is most appreciated, thanks so much!