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Messages - ogguitar

General Questions / Re: Afterlife Nasty Clipping
August 27, 2020, 04:54:39 PM
Just in case anyone ends up following this, I addressed the clipping primarily by using a different optocoupler. The cleanest ones I have seem to reduce overall volume a fair bit. Unity is basically max on the A100k pot, but it's ok imo because I'm never really looking for a compressor to boost my signal. Though if anyone has tips on how to increase the make up volume available I'm all ears.

I also stumbled across this write up which I found very useful to make the circuit a little friendlier to different opamps, among other things.

Lowest noise I have is a NE5532 which is dead silent even with everything exposed on a breadboard. The LM833 has lower noise than the TL072 as well, and it seems to be the squishiest of the bunch so far. I'm not sure which I prefer yet. I've also swapped the bridge diodes to 1N5817 as I have a few extra, and I want to save the germaniums for another project.
General Questions / Re: Afterlife Nasty Clipping
August 26, 2020, 04:38:56 AM
Ah yeah I had R9 going to VB instead of to IC 4. Thanks a bunch!

There still seems to be a fair bit of breakup (much nicer sounding now though) at higher sustain levels, but I've been using a guitar with pretty hot humbuckers. For now I've just turned the sensitivity knob all the way down and backed off the sustain until it cleans up a bit. The compression sounds quite nice!
General Questions / Re: Afterlife Nasty Clipping
August 26, 2020, 01:40:19 AM
Here you go. Thanks for the help!

My IC voltage readings
1 7.53
2 8.90
3 4.37
4 0
5 8.93
6 6.77
7 7.62
8 9.04

Mod is R7 (47k) swapped for 24k in series with B50k pot as you've described. Here's how I hooked it up
Quote from: thesameage on January 09, 2015, 03:03:21 PM
For anyone wondering, here's how you do the Ghost Note mod:

Connect lugs 2 and 3 of the pot. Solder one side of the resistor to lugs 2/3, and the other side goes to the PCB. A wire from lug 1 of the pot goes to the other resistor hole on the PCB. Order doesn't matter. You could use a 100K pot without the limiting resistor (or even larger) instead if you like, but I found the 50K + 24K gave plenty of range.

I used a linear so that noon was the original value, but feel free to deviate!
General Questions / Afterlife Nasty Clipping
August 24, 2020, 05:22:18 PM
Got the Afterlife on my breadboard with the Ghost Note mod, and I'm getting clipping that sounds like a starved voltage fuzz/OD of sorts, and the sustain and sensitivity controls don't seem to work properly. I'm a bit puzzled about this one as I've double checked the circuit, connections, and component values several times. Any possible leads or tips are greatly appreciated. Cheers!
I think I figured out how to wire the 3 way toggle switch, or at least one possible way. I've attached an image for anyone interested. Red goes to and from circuit A, Blue goes to and from circuit B. Green is a bridge. Orange/gold goes from input jack and to output jack (or blending circuit if needed). So with the 4PDT it's possible to get A->B at position 1, A+B at middle position, and B->A at position 3.

I'm pretty sure it should be possible to just connect the wires from 1 and 6 to 9 and 10, respectively. The way I drew it though helped me visualize the flow a little better. I guess the main thing now will be seeing what the circuits I'm using will need to work in parallel.
Quote from: jimilee on July 27, 2020, 03:48:37 PM
Interesting article

Also this if Diablochris has anymore

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Had read a mention of diablochris in another thread but couldn't get any results from searches. Cheers!
Quote from: Matmosphere on July 27, 2020, 02:42:21 PM
I'm no expert but I would think this would be a little more complex than just a switch.  if you want to do them in parallel you'd need some kind of mixer to combine the signals at the output. It would probably require a small board and some thought about signal routing. I would say your best bet is to look at how to have them in parallel and work backward to figure out the switching.

Have you looked through AMZFX I'm guessing your answer might be there somewhere.

Yeah figured this would end up being the case, but not sure what the workaround would be. Will check out AMZFX thanks!
General Questions / Dual Drive Series/Parallel
July 27, 2020, 10:03:21 AM
Hello all,

I'm doing a layout for a dual drive, and I'm hoping to have a switch that would allow for some routing choices. Each drive would have its own foot switch, but the toggle would select between 3 configurations for when both are activated
1) Drive A -> Drive B
2) Drive B -> Drive A
3) Parallel

I've been researching a fair bit yesterday and today, but I haven't found much out there. It's not so much "how to make this parallel" that I'm having trouble with, but "how can I have the option of running parallel or reversing order in series."
