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Messages - 4stringphuzz

General Questions / Madbean Dust Bunny
August 18, 2021, 06:56:25 AM
Hello Everyone,

I recently finished up a Madbean Dust Bunny build using all BC108's. Sounds good overall. I used an external bias pot, and I have a question regarding volume (probably a dumb question, tbh). When the pot is turned counterclockwise (voltage starve), the output volume drops. I'm assuming that's normal? When I move the bias to the proper ~4.5v range, there's plenty output on tap from the volume pot and it doesn't have to max out to reach unity gain. I checked the readings on each transistor and they all look pretty close to what's in the build guide. I just want to double check that my pedal is ok/normal, before I finish up the enclosure and call it a success. Please let me know if possible. Thanks!
I'm not sure if your build used 9mm pots, but if so, here's a source:

They have Audio Taper 5k pots as an option. I hope this helps.  :D

Thank you so much, mauman! I also looked at the data sheets, but I just wanted to be certain that the slightly different specs of each in that series wouldn't make too much of a difference overall. I think I'll take your advice and mix and match from all of the different '2222' variations available. Great idea! Good reminder on the pinout of each transistor as well. I probably wouldn't have even remembered to check that.  :D
General Questions / '2222' Series Transistor Question
October 08, 2020, 07:23:29 PM
Hi everyone. I have a few pedals that I'd like to build soon (Third Man Bumble Buzz, Blackout Effectors Blunderbuss/Fix'd Fuzz), and all 3 call for variations of the '2222' series transistor. The Bumble Buzz/Blunderbuss call for 2N2222 transistors, while the Fix'd Fuzz requires an MPS2222. Are these all pretty interchangeable within the '2222' series? I'm interested in purchasing one of these options possibly to cover everything:



Any help/advice would be appreciated. Thanks!!

Thanks for the input on my issues. I did go back to look at the build doc, and I realized that the B.O.M is in fact for the 'Albini' version. It makes sense now. Is the stock version drastically different than the 'Albini' version (like, in a good way)? I was considering changing the resistor/cap values in question to make the build a tad more aggressive. Also, would any of those value changes affect the output volume favorably?

1) It looks like LED in D4 is in fact backwards, so I'll de-solder and reverse it. Hopefully that should fix the problem
2) It looks like the pot values are correct for the controls (A50K Balance and A100K Harmonics). I even tried an A100K pot for Balance, hoping it would boost the output a little extra, but there wasn't much of a difference, so I put back the original.

I'll report back if there are still any issues. Thanks again!
I just finished up my Pepper Spray build last night. Overall, I think it sounds good, but there are a few things I had questions on.

1) The output of the stock 1N695 diodes seems kind of low. Both the "Harm" and "Balance" pots have to be full on, before the signal reaches close to unity gain. Even then, it's still probably just slightly below unity. I used Red LED's as the second diode pair option, and there isn't a problem there. It's plenty loud on that setting. Is this the way that the stock setting is supposed to sound? Some other threads in the Madbean forum say yes, or perhaps, but I can't tell for sure.

2) On the LED diode pairs, only the LED in position D3 is visibly lighting up. The LED in D4 isn't lighting at all. I've checked both LED's individually (they're fine), tried different pairs, and still nothing for the LED in D4. I ended up using a water clear red LED for D4, and it gets the SLIGHTEST bit of signal through it, but I know it still isn't right.

3) As far as I can tell, both transistors are oriented properly according to the build guide. Here's the strange thing, the voltages on the transistors are much closer to the "Albini" version values than the stock values. The pedal is built completely to standard specs though.

4) Finally, I can't really notice any difference in texture/clipping symmetry when I change the trimpot value. Should it be pretty drastic/noticeable?

Any help or insight with these issues would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!
Hi Everyone,

I built a Madbean Faultline several years ago, before the Catalinbread SFT Ver. 2 was released with the extra "Stones/Stoner" switch. I would love to go back and add that option to my old build if possible. Would there be any way of retroactively incorporating a DPDT switch into the original Faultline that I have? If so, where/how do I make the connections? Any help/suggestions would be greatly appreciated!