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Messages - Cyrial

Tech Help - Projects Page / Re: Bearhug super noisy
July 20, 2020, 11:55:23 PM
Newbie mistake - it sounds perfect now! Thanks somnif for the obvious solution, and thanks midwayfair for everything!
Tech Help - Projects Page / Re: Bearhug super noisy
July 20, 2020, 03:02:17 AM
I was under the impression that tip is ground - there  is continuity only tip to tip.
Tech Help - Projects Page / Re: Bearhug super noisy
July 19, 2020, 11:50:07 PM
Reflowed everything, unboxed still noisy. The entire ground path seems fine. The noise reduces if I touch both the strings and the 1/4" plug (metal exterior), which leads me to think it is a grounding issue. The noise is present on both power supply and battery. Weirdly, if it's on battery and I touch the sleeve of the dc jack plugged into the same outlet as the amp, it buzzes more.

Here is a diagram of the delay mod I added. I didn't know how to draw a multiple-throw switch, so that's what the weird thing in the middle is.

My bearhug seems to work except that it is very very noisy - which I think it is not supposed to be. Before I boxed it it was clean, then I added a little decay mod (3t switch with a 100k resistor in series on third throw) and soldered in the dc jack. Now it is not good.

D 5.05v
S 1.862v
G 2.269v

C 8.22v
B 0.586v
D 0v

G -1v on signal

-.7v on signal

Across Q3
~300ohm, peaks up to (upward of?) 30k on signal, settles to ~1-2kohm
Build Reports / Re: Bearhug - my very first
July 06, 2020, 02:27:25 AM
@jimilee - my very first DIY. Also my very first effect - you don't really need effects on bass, right?

@midwayfair I didn't want to get started with footswitch nonsense considering I don't intend to have too much going on. If I like the bearhug well enough I might just hardmod it into my bass.

Thinking about modding to have true bypass - if it became unplugged or the battery died during a gig, it would be nice if it just bypassed. There's certainly room in the tin for more goodies...
Build Reports / Bearhug - my very first
July 05, 2020, 12:32:30 AM
Thanks to midwayfair for designing the circuit and providing the perf schem.

This is my very very first DIY. I modded it a little from v2.5 - I accidentally got a 2p3t switch, so I added a third delay setting with a 200k resistor in series. Additionally added a second +V diode for battery.

Thankfully the bearhug circuit is so dang small it fits in this altoid tin with room for a 9v battery.

Eventually I'll get some paint on here, maybe make some way to clip it to my guitar strap.

Quote from: Matmosphere on June 08, 2020, 03:57:33 AM
I second the Bear Hug. It's great. Built it from the layout on tagboard effects. Make sure to read through the comments though, there are some changes Suggested by Jon in there that improve it a bit.

Thanks for pointing me to tagboardeffects!
New guy here, I've bean looking around for a clean, compact compressor for bass guitar. The bearhug caught my eye but the link to the schematic is deprecated, and 1776 is closed for covid. Is there a revised bearhug, or something else you'd recommend?


Edit: or does anyone have the stripboard schematic? I'm a total noob so I'm hesitant to try to reverse engineer it from the 1776 bom