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Messages - supremeseam

Thank you. That was all really helpful.

I'm only etching boards so I can learn. I have to know what things are doing and why and the only way I'm going to learn that is by putting things together and breaking them :-). I already ordered a board from here and once that makes it to me safely I plan on buying a few more.
I have a rudimentary understanding of circuits and I decided to start building guitar pedals. So far I've got a working LPB-1 clone on a breadboard (with an added gain adjustment) and I'm going to attempt to etch the PCB for it next week. I think my next project is going to be a distortion or fuzz pedal. Looking through the schematics they all seem to use different op amps and transistors, what would be a good assortment of these parts to have on hand and where do you guys get your parts from? Thanks for helping out a noob :-)