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Messages - yaruhas

General Questions / Re: BD-2 Clone build issue
September 14, 2022, 04:05:04 PM
Yes, here is the board and schematic on KiCAD. Could it be that GND net is connected with trace rather than the zone?
General Questions / BD-2 Clone build issue
September 14, 2022, 02:53:43 PM
Hi, I've been trying to make a bd-2 cline for a while. I have been encountering a weird high frequency noise when turning the volume and/or gain knob pretty high. This issue occurs on the pcb that I have made on kicad. On breadboard there are no issues. Another thing to point out is that the noise goes away if I have a buffered pedal running before this pedal. I am stuck on trying to figure out what the source of this problem is, and I am certain that the tracing on pcb is correct, as I've already made two versions and both seem to have the same issue.
General Questions / Re: Little Angel Chorus Issue
April 25, 2020, 03:29:03 AM
Thanks for your response. My current circuit does not involve the anti-latch circuit. I will try it out though!
Here is the link to the schematic that I am currently using
General Questions / Little Angel Chorus Issue
April 25, 2020, 12:16:34 AM
I am currently building a PT2399 Little Angel Chorus right now for a friend of mine, but I came across an issue as follows:
The effect works, however, if I disconnect the power supply and connect it back again, the effect disappears. It is instead replaced by a clean signal. Then when I make a connection between 9V power supply and ground for a brief second, it will reboot the effect back again. This did not occur on breadboard, and I have also rebuilt the board from scratch, replaced the DC jack etc, but still cannot resolve the issue.