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Messages - dapeake

Thanks Benny and Aentons. For Benny's reply; that is generally what I was thinking the end solutions might be. Figured someone here might have some detailed EQD knowlege to let me leap frog past the drudgery of reversing it.

Aentons - EQD sanded the ID off the top of the chip, so I assumed there is a "keep out" culture at EQD. I will definitely email them. Do you recall a name of your contact there at EQD?


I am certain the switch in the Sea Machine is actually a momentary, and that it sends a signal to the conditional flexi-switching logic circuit: ( IF <250ms = actuate and latch relay, IF >250ms actuate but do not latch relay. ) impossible with anything other than a momentary switch.

I have an EQD Sea Machine. (fantastic pedal). The way I use it is to set it the effect to be almost annoying, then instead of leaving it on for sections of songs, I apply it momentarily to single notes and brief passages. EQD had this in mind with their Flexi-switching, but it does not do well in the sub 1 second domain: if I am too brief in my pedal press, it latches on and ruins my music. Does anyone have any idea how to defeat the latching?

It uses a Nexem / Kemet EC2 5SNJ, relay (datasheets were not helpful in determining if this latching behavior was part of the relay) but without surgery on the pedal and PCBA, and firing up my scope, I am not able to determine the signaling scheme. I saw Brian's "based on" schematic, but I could not identify any switch/relay info.

Any help would be appreciated. I will post the end results when I have succeeded.


Campbell, CA